Gamermodz has a macro programer for the USB controller


I was looking in the forum for more news about the PS3 mod he said was coming out (none, I think he was bullshiting, I found a rocketfish controller for $10 so I will try that) and I saw that they have a macro programer for the triggers out, and are planing one for other buttons.


New Member
does it go with the usb programable controller that came out? I am pretty sure a macro programmer will be one of the next projects after the final ed of th preset editor. sounds like a big leap for gamer modz after coming out with the usb programmable. Maybe it is good maybe it is bad, but i hope that it serves a good test run for future programmer


Active Member
macro programmer and the preset editor was the same thing. Also did you notice the key phrase!!! Only for the triggers!!!! WHAT..... And they are still behind Viking360......


Useful Poster
well werent they suppose to come out with something "big" because if they have then i havent seen it yet


Krier023 said:
well werent they suppose to come out with something "big" because if they have then i havent seen it yet

Yep. He said they had the next big thing for both PS3 and 360, but so far nothing. I was even checking their forums for him to explain the new PS3 thing, but he never did, so he must have just been all talk.

Fredrow said:
macro programmer and the preset editor was the same thing. Also did you notice the key phrase!!! Only for the triggers!!!! WHAT..... And they are still behind Viking360......

Yeah, the one thing I'm not sure is if theirs would have something that goes like "hit B, wait 5 seconds, hit X" because that would be a true macro... The viking editor is cool, but in my opinion it's not techincaly a "true" macro.


Active Member
Fredrow said:
macro programmer and the preset editor was the same thing. Also did you notice the key phrase!!! Only for the triggers!!!! WHAT..... And they are still behind Viking360......

Yeah, the one thing I'm not sure is if theirs would have something that goes like "hit B, wait 5 seconds, hit X" because that would be a true macro... The viking editor is cool, but in my opinion it's not techincaly a "true" macro.[/quote]

Dude of course you can design a program that does that, I mean he is using a microcontroller. I'm not here trying to hype up this guy, but he already has controller that do fast reload......


No, I am not disputing that that could be done with viking too, that is what fast reloads is after all, but the current preset editor doesn't have that as an option. That could be what Charlie meant by this
Itz CHARLEY said:
does it go with the usb programable controller that came out? I am pretty sure a macro programmer will be one of the next projects after the final ed of th preset editor. sounds like a big leap for gamer modz after coming out with the usb programmable. Maybe it is good maybe it is bad, but i hope that it serves a good test run for future programmer


New Member
Exactly ps3, macros are different than just rapid fire. Dropshot, fast reload, bxb, bxr and jitter(well jitter does 2 y presses for every rapid fire shot. So sortof both.) you could consider rapidfire a macro but it is very simple. Like frequency=33 hertz wavelength=somethin idk but fast reload had delays an multiple inputs/outputs.
A macro programmer would be able to make stuff viking hasn't even made like bxb (which I want).


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I don't see anything on the gamermodz product pages about a macro controller. Besides that... If it only does triggers, then it's not a real macro controller.

Can we please stop hearing about what other mod shops claim they have in development? Ok here, Viking360 is developing a fully-cloaking supercontroller with super auto aimbot and wallhacking.

There, now go spread the news in every other mod shops' forums. Please, stop posting about Gamer Modz unless something awesome actually happens. Because right now all they have is the Alpha USB programmable controller which is the same exact thing as the Viking Tyr's Hand.
