I have seen a couple of USB rapid fire's now, here's another;
http://rapidfirethis.com/index.php?disp ... ory_id=185
Thats actually a clone of mine. Its not really USB as the cable is a USB->Serial converter. It is also not flashable, just merely configurable through the PC app.
But I did not join this forum for the purpose of correcting that. This is why I joined:
Look, I am not in here trying to promote business or convience customers to purchase from us. Just by answering that question about the PS3 made me feel like an asshole.
If you have other questions pertaining to how we do business or other products and NOT to do with "who's got the better product, Viking or you", I will answer them. I didn't come in here to get in to a "who is better battle". It's petty and we don't do business that way. I only came in to correct an assumption about the new Alpha mod and software we released.
That is a direct conflict in statements. Man, you really piss me off. If I were Odin, I would wipe your existence off these boards. Its a shame he probably believes morals should take precedence here. I can undetstand your desire to defend yourself. I have seen your site, and your work is professional (with the price to match as you are the second most expensive next to 'Evil'. At least your price is justified through effort). But you did not stop at defending yourself. I find it very interesting you came in here soo quickly to find this port in the first place. More like you have been trolling Viking since they launched perhaps? Interesting how you drop alot of info too about how your product is better. Wait, you didnt. You dropped info on the Viking chip instead. Funny how you know so much. Reverse engineer perhaps? You wouldnt know a damn thing more than the flasher unless you downloaded the code yourself from this site and put in the effort to find out how the Viking company aplied the bootloader.
Did you come here to defend yourself? In less than 12 hours? I find it convenient you dropped enough information to give other competitors the idea to try and clone the companies product. Considering you pride yourself on achieving encryption and serialization, only because you discovered certain 'weeknesses' yourself through your revere engineering. And now that you set it up so your product cannot be ripped off, you come here at the very first chance and drop the right idea so that competing companies know about such weeknesses. Is it really hard to understand what will happen if this Viking chip gets cloned? Odin cannot possibly be expected to write hexes for his own chips along with dozens of chinese-based duplicates sold by every would-be rapidfire shop on the net. Once his work gets exploited to the point where he only supports other peoples sales and not his won, why would he keep going? So the only people getting screwed is Odin and his customers. Yet you stay standing cause you encrypted? Looks more like a tactical way to get rid of your competition.
And lets be real here: In direct comparison, Viking is a one-time price. They dont look to gouge there customers for every glitch to come out. You do. Who cares if the Viking only works on CG? They dont sell kits! That would be the only concern for matrix! Who cares if you learned how to use a bilateral switch to be compatible w/ matrix?
Odin, do your customers a favor and shut this fkn thread down and erase it. Swallow your moralistic pride for the sake of fairness to your customers.