Genius Macro Idea for Theater Mode


New Member
Ok if you're like me, you enjoy going into theater mode after a game and checking out the highlights. i find that one of the most annoying parts of theater mode is how hard it is to make scenes in the correct speed. For example, ill be making something really slow and dramatic and i just barely touch RT and the speed goes from .10* to something faster, or it stops all together. i think it would be a great idea to make a macro set for times of the seconds speed. so someone could record them momentarily holding down RT just enough for .10*, .20*, etc. all the way up to 4.0 if they are willing to. probably a recording of holding down the trigger to stay at the time for maybe a second or two maybe more maybe less. Then, in the macro editor, we could break down the 1-2 second long recording to last for maybe 1/10 of a second or something. And then we could have holding RT cause the Recording to go on a loop up until you release it. sorry if this is too vague. just let me know if anything is too hard to understand. or let me know if its a good idea or not.

*Im not sure if the slower speeds are .10 or .01 so i just put .10. sorry if im incorrect