if you can swap the analog sticks on this controller then I highly doubt you would be able to put a macro chip in one of them. There's an extremely high chance that because this controller was made by a third party company, that the circuit board on the inside isn't a cg2, aka, what the macro controller chip needs. So sadly it wouldn't work to put a macro chip in these controllers
Yeah, I just never like to say zero percent chance because who knows, there's that .00001% chance that Madcatz makes some sort of deal with microsoft for their circuit board, and then I get proven wrong lol.There is 0 chance it'd be a CG2, that's specific to microsoft. It might be possible to make a macro chip work with it though, if it's some sort of common ground configureation you could solder on every point on the clip-on part... A lot of work lol.
Yeah, I just never like to say zero percent chance because who knows, there's that .00001% chance that Madcatz makes some sort of deal with microsoft for their circuit board, and then I get proven wrong lol.