GTA Remap LT to RB Please


Hello everyone,

Again sorry to post question, I did try few times to figure this out but all I was able to do was add say LT to the already LB...but what I want to do is remap the LT to the LB and the LB to the LT with a "tap" down on the D-pad to turn on/off

I need this for when I'm driving, I find it easier to shoot with the LT and not the if someone could please explain how and also what loop do I put it on?

thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
Check setting in game if you can change things... You can put LT on LB but it will still do it's default LB press!


u cant change them in game setting...but what about just remapping I thought it was possible to use the forge/rune to remap buttons Say I want to put the RT on the left side and the LT and the right side...this not possible?


Well-Known Member
You remap to the tac's button and also put thing on all the other button but can't change default press in them.

modded matt

Active Member
you cannot override the initial button press.

you can tell the controller every time I press LB press RB, but the controller will still register in game that you pressed LB. so you would end up with LB then RB combo.

for fighting games, because I have so many moves for each character, I set a rune combo on a button that will not be used. so for instance I put half circle forward, a,b,a combo on the D par right with a delay. so when I press dpad right, the controller moves right slightly then pauses for a milli second, then presses my combo. I do the pause so the dpad direction press will not enter fear with the timing of my combo. but there is no way to override that initial button press.