Halo 2 anniversay


ModdingBros Representative
Can someone make a double shot rune for Halo 2?
I already have a bunch of mods made awaiting the anniversary addition. Got double shots and all other goodies. I'll post them up when I get some time this weekend and maybe bonefisher can make them on the berserker as mine were made on the macro controller using the original Xbox halo 2 game on my xbox360.


Okay thanks! Yea I can't wait to get my berserker for my one. I ordered my controller October 24th and the status still says processing. Days it usually take the 5 days?


Well-Known Member
I already have a bunch of mods made awaiting the anniversary addition. Got double shots and all other goodies. I'll post them up when I get some time this weekend and maybe bonefisher can make them on the berserker as mine were made on the macro controller using the original Xbox halo 2 game on my xbox360.
Sure all make up for you to test out but I don't have the game to dial in if there is any changes.....


Okay I have my controller now, I was just wondering how would i go about making the double shot for halo, the combo is RRXYY. Can I have it to where I can use my right trigger or do i have to put it on a tac switch?


Okay I have my controller now, I was just wondering how would i go about making the double shot for halo, the combo is RRXYY. Can I have it to where I can use my right trigger or do i have to put it on a tac switch?

-Berserker Mod.

you can have it on the right trigger yes, when you put the rune in group it'll pop up a menu of all the buttons you then select right trigger.. :)

making the double shot rune however you go into the timeline editor- make new rune then select xbox one enter button combo of double shot etc.

that's a very vague description I know but I do not know all the combos by heart i'll be making Halo Runes as well as many other people from Viking will be too! hope this helped!


Well-Known Member
Here is a couple to copy... These are for the tac button and when you build them set playback behavior to PLAY ONCE!


  • Halo 2 RRXYYRR Double Shot (tac).PNG
    Halo 2 RRXYYRR Double Shot (tac).PNG
    100.7 KB · Views: 28
  • Halo 2 BXRRXYYRRX Melee Double Shot Reload (tac).PNG
    Halo 2 BXRRXYYRRX Melee Double Shot Reload (tac).PNG
    105.8 KB · Views: 18


:O play once huh. lmfao I was trying it with Stunzy for like 4 hours... I thought that play once... you can't hold the trigger down for it to repeat correct? dammit haha


ModdingBros Representative
none of them work, im trying them on the pc version of halo 2, idk if that makes a difference.

These were made on my viking macro controller and converted to beserker format. I made these using my Xbox 360 with the original copy of Xbox halo 2. They were also made in local match due to theres no original Xbox live support anymore. They all worked in local match.

I.d.k how the PC is, if there is online support and if so is there a patch on the PC that mod blocks the double shot or if u can try to test them in local match maybe to see if it works there. There are a lot of variables that can cause this not to work. I can defently confirm if u download the macros I posted then use them on your 360 on original halo 2 copy in local match that these macors / edited to rune format work. There may have to be slight tweeking for online gameplay compared to local match play. Macros and runes tend to play out different in local matches versus online matchmaking. I'm sure slight revisions will have to be made.


okay thanks! i can do the double shot without the mod everytime on the pc version, its just the runes arent working for it.


ModdingBros Representative
I'll work more on this Friday or Saturday. Im going to double check my work and make sure its still all operational (which it should be but I did make these codes like 3 months ago).

I'll post a video using my cell phone of the mods working in action for authenticity purpouses! If this works on Xbox halo 2 in local match and not on PC online then the issue is local to online connection times. I'm positive this is the issue but I Dont have halo 2 on PC and I can't make changes without testing it online. Someone will have to step up and alter the timings to adjust the lag over on the online side. I'm sure it all just needs to be slowed down a few milliseconds.


Im playing local on PC, but yea the double shot works but it needs to be sped up some, cause 6 bullets are suppost to come out all at once not 3 burst then 3.


ModdingBros Representative
Dont worry I'll get to work on it tomorrow afternoon! Yea needs to be six bullets not 3burst 3burst. When I made mine it would fire six shots with the tap of the tact button and when held down would just dump clips super fast. Like I said I'll post a video of it in action.


Okay thanks man! I'm do I g my best on the timing stuff. Still very pretty New. So pretty much the way the rune is doesn't need to be messed with just the timing???