Help from current berserker owners


New Member
I am close to purchasing one but wanted to check with current owners to get their feedback.

I primarily play fifa 14 and want to use berserker to program skill moves and free kicks

My question is how does the controller differ from the macro 360?

it appears there are two less tac buttons/paddles per on controller but can you combine let's say press left paddle switch and right stick up to have that perform a programmed move such as a spin even if typically hitting up on right stick would perform a step over?

hope I explained that so it makes sense.

Thanks everyone. Hope you are enjoying your berserkers.


Active Member
The main answer is, not much difference to the macro overall, you can do everything the macro did and more .... yes you can combine buttons to perform or activate/deactivate your runes (macro's), so the reduction in tac switches does not reduce the functionality, if anything it makes it better. Have no fears, this new beast is just that, go ahead and buy it, you will have no regrets whatsoever (that's when its available of course)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
One possible advantage for games like Fifa is you could now assign a macro to say "tac switch #1 plus flick joystick left" which was not possible before.


New Member
Thank you guys. So what I'm trying to figure out is once I hit tac switch one does pressing left stick not execute the default action flicking left stick would on a normal controller?

i seem to remember with macro that if I assigned a move to a button it will still try to execute the default button action.
yes if you press (X) the default action will be done. Although if you wanted to say X and simultaneously perform other actions that is possible. Their is also a inhibit function that I'm not sure if its possible, but might be able to stop the original execution. The new software and controller give you so many options to customize your style of gameplay I really love it.


ModdingBros Representative
U can make a ruin to where once X button is pressed it stayed looped as if its constantly held down then throw a inhibit function on it to perform another function. This would block the stock function from performing as it will just think the button was never released. I can only theriolizes possible solutions as I Dont own a berserker but I used to do this trick with my macro to cancle out a button function.