Help Please ( New Member )


New Member
Hello everyone, My name is chris and i'm from scotland in the United Kingdom.

I've been trying to buy a "Thor's Hammer" Controller from viking but it keeps on telling me that my card is being rejected, I HAVE got the money in my bank account don't worry.
I've got a VISA ELECTRON card, Does anyone know if this card is not accepted by viking? It says they accept visa but i don't know.

And before anyone recommends me trying the UK site of viking, I've tried and their out of stock. And it doesn't say when they'll have new stock in, If they will.


Yours sincerely, Chris McLeod.


New Member
Chris1655 said:
Hello everyone, My name is chris and i'm from scotland in the United Kingdom.

I've been trying to buy a "Thor's Hammer" Controller from viking but it keeps on telling me that my card is being rejected, I HAVE got the money in my bank account don't worry.
I've got a VISA ELECTRON card, Does anyone know if this card is not accepted by viking? It says they accept visa but i don't know.

And before anyone recommends me trying the UK site of viking, I've tried and their out of stock. And it doesn't say when they'll have new stock in, If they will.


Yours sincerely, Chris McLeod.

is the card a uk card ?also shoot ben a a email and talk to him he will be sure to be making controllers again and he probaly accepts visa electrons.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
If you're an international customer purchasing from the site (we ship out of the city of Kennewick in the State of Washington in the United States) - give the PayPal checkout a try. It's located at the bottom of the credit card entry screen (a small PayPal logo). Click on that. When you get to the PayPal screen it will ask if you want to sign up for a PayPal account - you don't! - and then there is a smaller link on that page that will let you complete the checkout using a credit card.

In other words our CC gateway is, but if you follow that PayPal link you can essentially try PayPal as the CC gateway instead.

Also you can also check out Ben's website (click on the UK flag at the top of our homepage) - I know he's running low on stock, we sent him more mod chips but they got 'stuck' en route due to the ash cloud over Europe, so he'll have them soon. If you're willing to wait you can save on shipping and customs charges both of which can be pretty steep coming from overseas. Though not that I want to lose your retail business straight from our site :) but Ben is always a valued alternative to ordering direct from us. He's one of only three mod shops (other than on the planet that are authorized to re-sell Viking controllers.


odingalt said:
If you're an international customer purchasing from the site (we ship out of the city of Kennewick in the State of Washington in the United States) - give the PayPal checkout a try. It's located at the bottom of the credit card entry screen (a small PayPal logo). Click on that. When you get to the PayPal screen it will ask if you want to sign up for a PayPal account - you don't! - and then there is a smaller link on that page that will let you complete the checkout using a credit card.

In other words our CC gateway is, but if you follow that PayPal link you can essentially try PayPal as the CC gateway instead.

Also you can also check out Ben's website (click on the UK flag at the top of our homepage) - I know he's running low on stock, we sent him more mod chips but they got 'stuck' en route due to the ash cloud over Europe, so he'll have them soon. If you're willing to wait you can save on shipping and customs charges both of which can be pretty steep coming from overseas. Though not that I want to lose your retail business straight from our site :) but Ben is always a valued alternative to ordering direct from us. He's one of only three mod shops (other than on the planet that are authorized to re-sell Viking controllers.

Yeah the Ben guy is pretty cool from what I've heard!

Apparently he is offering a Free LED Upgrade to everyone who orders in the first week he gets stock as a way of saying sorry for the wait!



New Member
Ben. said:
Yeah the Ben guy is pretty cool I heard!

Apparently he is offering a Free LED Upgrade to everyone who orders in the first week he gets stock as a way of saying sorry for the wait!


Wow that is a cool guy! :D


New Member
Ben, did you get banned for your bio too? I got a 1 day suspension yesterday for my bio having Viking in it.


New Member
viking360fan said:
charley look at his gamerscore avator lol
oh i saw hs avatar and I noticed he had CoC on his profile like me but i didnt know he did his gamerscore. i have been name modding and gamerpic modding, but i use the USB flashdrive and can't find good tutorials for avatar, gamesave, and gamerscore mods.


Itz CHARLEY said:
Ben, did you get banned for your bio too? I got a 1 day suspension yesterday for my bio having Viking in it.

Yeah I had my link in it. I only had a 24 hour one.

As soon as I got it back I changed it again and got a week ban :'(