Help Rune For GTA5, Please


Hello Everyone,

I'm a bit confused on how to make this all work. I have the macro 360 controller and kinda got the hang of that one but I have not got use to the Xbox One yet. I guess its mostly cause I have not made many runes. But hoping this will change soon as I'm here trying.

So, can someone please help with some Runes for GTA5? I'm looking for something to make running easier instead of having to press A multi times. Also if possible to make aim/shooting easier. Not sure if it would work but currently when in car you have to press Left bumper and then Right bumper to shot.

Also this setup would be for a 2 tac left side and 2 tac right side. I dont have the paddles.

Thanks for any and all help,



For the shooting inside vehicles on GTA, the two button combo for shooting can be changed back to the traditional hold one button to aim and shoot... It's in the options menu somewhere, I can't remember exactly where. If you can't find it, post back and I'll list out how to do it next time I'm on GTA.

For sprinting you can create a rune, like below, to rapid fire the A button. Then assign it to a tac switch and hold the tac while moving to sprint.



ok will try it...the one I made started at .0s to .05s maybe thats one it was not acting as a multi press cause it was too long? Will try your length rune and report back. Also yeah I found the option in GTA to make it one button shooting while driving thanks.


Yeah, as Bonefisher said... the gap at the beginning is very important if you want the rune to work as a button tap..

This way when the rune loops it will play as 'A button off --> A button on --LOOP-- A button off --> A button on'

If the A button press starts at 0 secs on the timeline the rune will loop as 'A button on --LOOP-- A button on' and hence have the same result as just holding down the A button.