Help w/a Basic Hold Breath Macro


New Member
There was a LT macro for black ops that was auto-breath for sniping. Loved it and looking for a MW3 version. Definitely need it for LT. I usually use Blind Eye and Assassin. Not sure if that matters. I saw another thread for a QS macro and people were talking about Quick Draw or something, I dunno...just figured I mentioned it. Let me know if it has to be gun or sensitivity specific. I usually use the Barrett at 4.

If anyone can help me out it would be greatly appreciated!


ModdingBros Leader
I can do it for you. Give me about 5 to 10 minutes and it should be posted. Remember you can always out the record feature on your controller and try a shot at it!


ModdingBros Leader
There it is just assign it to LT and make a toggle on it. Hope this helped.


  • HoldBreathLT.vkm
    528 bytes · Views: 6


New Member
Wow, that was fast. Hey man, thanks a lot. I'm going to put some effort into making my own when I get some free time.


New Member
No offense to you Liason. But I have read alot of posts like this, and laughably, I will probably make a few in the near future (I just ordered a macro controller). But is it really THAT difficult to make a macro? Or have most people not watched the youtube video tutorials? On something like this, wouldnt you simply assign left stick click to the left trigger, and done? (not including the toggle on/off part) Or record holding breath and then adjust in the editor to have no time limit, for it to work as long as the trigger is pressed? I have some ideas for macros, and hope I am not constantly on here asking for help, lol. I am hoping it is THAT difficult.


ModdingBros Leader
No offense to you Liason. But I have read alot of posts like this, and laughably, I will probably make a few in the near future (I just ordered a macro controller). But is it really THAT difficult to make a macro? Or have most people not watched the youtube video tutorials? On something like this, wouldnt you simply assign left stick click to the left trigger, and done? (not including the toggle on/off part) Or record holding breath and then adjust in the editor to have no time limit, for it to work as long as the trigger is pressed? I have some ideas for macros, and hope I am not constantly on here asking for help, lol. I am hoping it is THAT difficult.

Thats exactly what I did its good to see someone that knows how to make macros. It really isnt difficult but Im always here to help either way. If the macro ideas you have are really difficult and you cant figure it out you are open to ask me. Your welcome I am usually pretty fast.


New Member
Ya know, this is only my 2nd request and the first time was only after having problems doing it on my own. So really, this is my 1st request w/o making an attempt. I've never used the record function, but I'll give it a wack next time.

Is there a way to extend the breath on this macro or is that not possible?


Active Member
Ya know, this is only my 2nd request and the first time was only after having problems doing it on my own. So really, this is my 1st request w/o making an attempt. I've never used the record function, but I'll give it a wack next time.

Is there a way to extend the breath on this macro or is that not possible?

Yes. I will make you one with a bit more breath hold MJ, can you upload to library?


New Member
Ya know, this is only my 2nd request and the first time was only after having problems doing it on my own. So really, this is my 1st request w/o making an attempt. I've never used the record function, but I'll give it a wack next time. Is there a way to extend the breath on this macro or is that not possible?
Liason, please, I meant no offense at all. I am just saying that I have seen many posts just like this one. I am new, so I have no idea who and who hasn't had trouble making macros. I may have trouble as well, when I get my controller. I just never read posts that say, "Hey, I tried making a macro for, blah, blah, but I can't get it to work, can anyone help make one?" It seems, maybe just by how the posts are worded, that people ask first, before even trying things out. Plus, to be honest, I didn't learn much about making macros from this forum, I learned from a couple PM's, and from the Viking tutorials on youtube. I wonder if all macro owners know about the youtube videos, that's the part I really am getting at. Nothing negative was directed toward you in any way.