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New Member
Before you do anything you have to assign a macro on to your RT first. Then you pick any tact switch to use and choose "Toggle Macro On/Off" and select your RT button & LED Indicator then click OK.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Be sure to select the right type of rapidfire macro. Basically there are two kinds, one kind if you want to assign rapidfire to fire when you pull the trigger.

If you want rapidfire/jitter to go when you touch a tac switch, you use a different .VKM for that. They are labeled whether or not it's for 'trigger' or for 'tac switch'.

Also if it says left trigger rapidfire then that means left trigger. You can't assign the left trigger rapidfire one to the right trigger and vice versa. Well, you could, it just probably won't do what you really meant it to do. There are some examples on the macro library download page.


Active Member
i tried that and it didnt work
i assigned rapid fire to the right trigger
then i go to macro, it says choose button/led
i choose led 4, but it wont let me choose a button