

New Member
I'm very confused i am trying to set up my different macro pages and I'm finding out that a vks when i download it it starts a whole new controller set. I wanna know how can i just add that set to one of the pages on my controller instead of it going to page 1 and starting a new set??


New Member
I can't help you with this but I am sure someone will chime in to help. You can always try PM'ing NYJETS and see if he can help you as well.

Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
You can only have one per set, if you want the macros from that set save them individually then putt them back where the set would have had them one by one. A little bit time consuming but once you have it you can save it and open it whenever.

Hope I helped.


Active Member
You can only have one per set, if you want the macros from that set save them individually then putt them back where the set would have had them one by one. A little bit time consuming but once you have it you can save it and open it whenever.

Hope I helped.

To clarify,

You can have up to 16 pages per one set (.vks file) that can go on your controller.

When you open a new .vks, you over-write your .vks that is currently open. This is how it is.

If you want page one of .vks 1, but you also want page two of .vks 2, you'll just have to save the macros from .vks 2, and then strategically place the macros from .vks 2 onto .vks 1, page 2.

Let me know if you don't understand something and I can help you better.

Remember - only 1 .vks per controller in one period of time. You can switch the .vks on your controller at any time. You can also have up to 16 pages per .vks that is on your controller at one time.


New Member
ight i get what u mean jets i already made 7 pages but alitle confused when i save the macro from a vas. i can find it on ym computer is there anyway to do a save as or do you know where there going. using a windows 7


New Member
btw i have a mac book as well trying to set up boot camp it says i need to insert my windows 7 installation disc does that mean i need to purchase another windows 7 ??


New Member
yeah thats what it said for me but i am not going to worry about it i have another laptop to do it on


Active Member
ight i get what u mean jets i already made 7 pages but alitle confused when i save the macro from a vas. i can find it on ym computer is there anyway to do a save as or do you know where there going. using a windows 7

When you press the little "floppy disk" top right of the software, it always does a save-as, and you can pick the location of the .vks to be saved to anywhere!

btw i have a mac book as well trying to set up boot camp it says i need to insert my windows 7 installation disc does that mean i need to purchase another windows 7 ??

With bootcamp you need a hardcopy of windows to install.


New Member
ok got it thanks a lot. another question i downloaded the fastest cod black ops rapid fire and it dosnt work as if they patched it any other good rapid fire and also what the fastest akimbo i downloaded one and it was not fast at all. also the reload for the fal with s-hand isn't working either

btw jets i got my kontroll freaks epic edition they are nice good grip and a nice design.


ModdingBros Leader
hey rush i havent released my new rapid fire yet (still in testing) however i would be willing to give it to you it really helps me out with the feedback and helps you out cause it is really fast


Active Member
another question i downloaded the fastest cod black ops rapid fire and it dosnt work as if they patched it

Nope, it is because of 10000000s of variables. Online speed, connection, xbox, NAT, internet provider, controller, battery level, and many many more factors. Try editing the speed from .99 to .97, or .93, or .95, or .94. Just try them all in a private match and see what works the best.

any other good rapid fire and also what the fastest akimbo i downloaded one and it was not fast at all. also the reload for the fal with s-hand isn't working either

Try this for akimbo rapidfire: or this:

Try that fast reload ^
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New Member
ok jets honestly thanks zoo much sorry for being such a pain just earning all the software and again another question when i am saving a vkm i think it is (the single macro not a page) i still can't find it on my computer the floppy disk top right saves the whole vks. I'm trying to save a single macro from a vas so i get place it somewhere else. for example the new GoW 3 set i wanna rearrange them and put them on a different page


New Member
hey rush i havent released my new rapid fire yet (still in testing) however i would be willing to give it to you it really helps me out with the feedback and helps you out cause it is really fast
sure man ill test it out for u and even edict it a little ifyyou need and add me on xbll name is nick2112


Active Member
ok jets honestly thanks zoo much sorry for being such a pain just earning all the software and again another question when i am saving a vkm i think it is (the single macro not a page) i still can't find it on my computer the floppy disk top right saves the whole vks. I'm trying to save a single macro from a vas so i get place it somewhere else. for example the new GoW 3 set i wanna rearrange them and put them on a different page

To save a single macro, you have to go to that macro, then click "Edit Macro"

Then top right, click the floppy disk, and then there, you have saved an individual macro!