How convenient..


So today my main 360 decides it doesn't like to play games any more and won't read them and it's out of warranty so it has no hope..

but the new Xbox 360 S come's out on Friday here so I thought, why not :p

I know I can quite easily fix my one but where's the fun in that?

Xx Binno xX

New Member
you will like the new xbox 360 slim i have it and its really quiet and it makes a weirdo noise when you turn it off and on and open and close it. but it doesnt come with HD cables. i use hdmi anyways. 1080p ftw


New Member
Its an easy fix. Just an adjustment to the laser's pot(Potentiometer). You need to use a dmm to test to make sure you have it adjusted right. It should be adjusted to 3.9 to 4.4 You will have to test the reading after adjusting to find the sweet spot.