how do i make those juggles combos to work with a macro here the codes


New Member
wel once i have my macro controller i wanna make juggles how do i make this to work?

its for alisa

uf4,4, b!
b3+4,3+4, b!
ws+1,2,3 ((1),2,3 ncc's)
f+3+4, 4

Bound enders
Running 3,4 (oki)
b+4,3 (oki)
d/b+2,2 (carry)
b+2,4 (carry)
f+3+4, 1,2,1,3+4
d+2, 4


- b+1, WS+1,2, f+1, b+4,3, B!, [staple]
- b+1, ws 1,2, f+1, f+1, b,f+2 (carry)
- b+1, ws 1,2, f+1, d/b+2,2 (carry)
- d/f+1,1, f+2, b+2,1 B!
- df1,1, b4,3 b!
- df11, b21, b!,
- 1, df1, b2,1, b!
- 1, uf4,4, b!
off axis combos:
- df+1, df+1, f+1, b+4,3 b!
- f+1, f+1, b+4,3 b!
- df+1, f+1, f+2, f+1, b+4,3 (when slightly to the left and b+1 combos won't work)

uf4,4 B!_b+3+4,3+4 B!
- SSR b+1, ws 1,2, d+4, 1+2 (ONLY off b+3+4,3+4 launcher. Very inconsistent of u/f+4,4)
- f+2,f+1,f+2, d+4,1+2
- f+2, f+1,1, d+4, 1+2
- iws+1,2, f+1, f+233 (inconsistent if SSR'd)
- f+2,f+1,f+2,3,3_ff+2,3
- f+2, f+1, db+2,2 (wall carry)
- ws+1,2, f+1, b+4,3 (oki)
- f+2, f+1, dash f+1, dash f+1, bf+2
- d+1, ws 1,2, 1, b+4,3 B!
- d+1, ws1,2, b2,1, B!
- iWS 1,2, 1, dash 1, b+4,3 B! (Marduk only)

- 3+4~3, ws+4, b+2,1B! f+2, d+4,1+2_d/f+1, b+2,4
- f3+4,2
- 3+4, 1,2,1, 3+4

NC (2),3,3
- dash d/f+1, 1,1, b+2,1 B!
- dash d/f+1, f+1, iWS 1,2, b+2,1 B!
- dash b+4,3 B! iws 1,2, d+4, 1+2
- dash b+1, ws+1,2, f+1, b+4,3 b!
- dash df+1, f+1, f+2, f+1, b+4,3 b!
- ff+2,3
- b,f +2

1+2_FLY 4 (f+3+4, 4)
- b+1, ws 1,2, 1, b+4,3 B!
- iws 1+2, ws 1,2, 1, b+4,3 B!
- U/F, n, 4, 1,2, 1 b+4,3 B!
- 4, f+2, f+1, b+4,3 B!
- u/f+4,4 B! f+2, 1, d+4, 1+2
- b+4,3 b! f+2,3,3_ ff+2,3_ f+2,f+1,d+4,1+2
for FLY 4 only:
- ws+1+2*, ws+1,2 b+2,1 b!
- ws+1+2* ws+1,2, f+1, dash b+2,1 b!

- iws 1,2 f+1, dash f+1, b+4,3 b!
- iws+1,2, b+2,1 B!
- f+2, f+1, f+2, d+4,1+2
- f+2, f+1, f+2,3,3
- (when next to the wall) d+3,3,3

- f+2, f+1, iWS 1,2, b+2,1 B!
- f+2, f+1,1, b+2,1 B!
- f+2,f+1, f+1, b+4,3 B!

- f+1+2
- b+3+4

ch knd3
- ws 1,2, 1, 1, b+4,3 B!
- ws 1,2, b+2,1 B!

NCc ws (1),2,3,
1, b2, 1 B! ff+3,4,4
f+1,f+1,f+1, b+4,3 b! ff+2,3_b+4,3

CH FLY 3 (f+3+4,3)
(if you don't go through)
- cc b+1, ws 1,2, f+1, b+4,3 B!
- ws 1,2, 1,1, b+4,3 B!
(if you go through)
- ws 1,2, d+4, 1+2
- ws+1,2, df+1, d+4, 1+2

BT 3+4
- d+4, ws 1,2, 1, b+4,3 B!
- d+4, ws 1,2, b+2,1 B!

CH (b+4),3
-b+1_d+1,WS 1,2, f+1, b+4,3 B!

-4,b+2,1 B!
-4, f+1,1, b+2,1 B!

b+1+3_b+2+4 (successful high counter)

- W!, des f+2, des f+2, des u/f+1+2 B! des 1+2_d+2*_f+1+2
- W!, des 1+2, des uf+1+2~1+2, ff+3,4,4
- W!, des 1+2, des uf+1+2~1+2, 1,2, f+1+2
- DES 1+2 W!, DES uf+1+2B!, DES 1+2_d+2*_f+1+2

if near wall, DES 1+2 W! DES u/f+1+2, DES 1+2_d+2*

d/b+4 ONLY when opponent's back is at the wall.
cc d+2,4
fc df+1+2

low parry
b+1, WS 1,2, f+1, ff+2<3
f+2,d/f+1, f+1,1, d+4,1+2
b+1, ws 1,2, d+4, 1+2
d/f+1, f+1, f+2,3,3
f+2, f+1, f+2, d+4, 1+2
f+2, f+1, f+2,3,3

Wall Juice

At the wall without b! use-
b4,3, b!, 3,2 into des mixups
b+4,3, 1+2 b! des 1+2_d+2* into des mixups
b+2,1 b! 3,2 (des mixups)
u/f+4,4 B! 2,3,3
b+4,3 b! ssr 2,3,3

after b! then w!
1,2, f+1+2
ff+3,4,4, 1+2 (des mixups)
b+4,3 1+2 (des mixups)
3,2 (des mixups)
1, ff+1+2, 2
f+3+4, 1,2,1, 3+4 look at legend there are all the commands

there are more tekken 6 players where i wanna create macro for 1 2 is a x 3 4 is y b i think
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New Member
u can read about it on the forums look at legends there they show all controls we wil do that once i have the xbox and my controller


New Member
Its pretty simple really. Just record your inputs of a combo, edit any imperfections and ur set. i've been making some macros for an arcade fighting game "skull girls" and its been pretty good so far. haven't really tried using them online yet. you just gotta learn how to use the software and you can make any macros yourself.


New Member
ye the mod here is going to help me once i have the xbox i get my controller on friday if its good but can you really be unbeateble if you macro all those combo's ? when the cpu show how to do the juggle can i record that to and save it then?


ModdingBros Leader
Sadly I am not a moderator so that would be an incorrect statement haha. Anyways you can hit the record button and do a combo then export it from controller onto the software and there you go!


New Member
nice but when i have the xbox u wil help me with that right i dont wanna mes it up when using it the first time making macro once i know how to make macro i wil be making macro for viking users for free to for all games because i play all day and all night mostly i should get the controller tomorow on friday and 2 weeks later i wil get the xbox then we can have some fun u wanna tekken 6 to then we can make togetter macro]

how would it go with the game Dead or Alive or NBA you just record the dunk you made and it wil use it evrytime hehe but could i record move from the cpu on to when he does a move that i use it as macro wel we wil talk on xbox in party once im on xbox because im nto good in doing combo's but in tekken 6 the guy in practrice show the juggle move then you have to do it would be great if i can record the move of the cpu
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New Member
ye the mod here is going to help me once i have the xbox i get my controller on friday if its good but can you really be unbeateble if you macro all those combo's ? when the cpu show how to do the juggle can i record that to and save it then?

No. you gotta input your button presses for the controller to record. its all on the controller. not the console. you just gotta mess around and experiment once you get your controller. as for tekken 6, i can probably help make a couple macros. I usually don't rely on macros for juggle combos since i play online and the lag can vary from person to person which the macros aren't really synched if theres alot of lag. king's grab combo is a exception since you have alot of input time in between grabs.


New Member
No. you gotta input your button presses for the controller to record. its all on the controller. not the console. you just gotta mess around and experiment once you get your controller. as for tekken 6, i can probably help make a couple macros. I usually don't rely on macros for juggle combos since i play online and the lag can vary from person to person which the macros aren't really synched if theres alot of lag. king's grab combo is a exception since you have alot of input time in between grabs.

awsome once i have the xbox 360 i wil send u my gtag it wil be around 2 1.5 weeks i love to have full combo juggle with alisa i like bob and law etc:) wel i have a verry strong internet connection 120 mb cable that should be ok