How Easy is it to Fix the RROD or E74?


Alright, I bit the bullet and bought a RROD X-box. It sounds like a good candidate for being unopened,this guy says his roommate moved out and left it behind. He says he dosn't know anything about X-box, and doesn't want to spend any money on fixing it, so he's just geing rid of it. I'm picking it up on monday. If I manage to fix the RROD, I think I'll try painting it. Might as well when I have no waranty anyways. Actually, I might just paint it for practice, even if I wreck the electronics.


New Member
Good to hear. good luck with fixing it!
And painting won't ruin the electronics if you take it apart to paint.. If you arnt sure about something just come ask on the forums before you try yourself and screw up


theblur1 said:
And painting won't ruin the electronics if you take it apart to paint..

I think he mean's if he mess's up the electronics by trying to repair it, he can still paint the shell for practice :)

and good luck PS3!


No, I meant even if I wreck the electronics while trying to fix the RROD, I'll still paint the case for practice. I can always put the painted case on another X-box.


New Member
Haha i totally misunderstood what you meant. sorry.
Yeah i have a case that im probably going to cut and put a window on because i messed up the board.


Alright, I've got this X-box, but I have a problem. When I first got it, it gave three lights, but now it doesn't do anything. All I've done so far is clean the heatsinks and put new paste on them. The powersupply box is showing a yellow light, is that the problem? Also, should there be rough holes where the bolts for the heatsinks go through, or should thy be smooth? I'm thinking that it's been opened before, but it still had a waranty seal on it!!! It had residue from a removed seal, and an intact seal on it when I got it.


New Member
What do you mean it doesnt give anything? Is it turning on? And the power box should be yellow when off and green when on. Which holes are you talking about; the ones that connect the heatsinks to the board? Can you post any pictures?


The holes are the ones in the metal casing that the board sits in, and you can see the bolts holding the heatsink down through them. And no, the xbox it's self is not turning on/displaying the ring of death or green lights. Th epowersuply is showing a yellow light, and the xbox is doing nothing. Do you have to put the case back together to turn it on or something?


I got the xbox to work for a bit again (it had the RROD, but it got power). I noticed a stick from the faceplate that looks like it would press a tact switch inside the xbox. Does that have anything to do with it?


I'm still having problems with the xbox turning on. It won't do anything, but ocasionaly turns son, and flashes all 4 red twice, and then 3 red repeatedly until it shuts off on it's own in less than a minute. It has 21/10/05 stamped into the metal, but the DVD drive says july 2006 on it. I included a picture of the holes, if they are supposed to be there or not.


New Member
I dont even have the case on my xbox so to turn it on i just use a screwdriver to poke the power button. And when youre turning it on make sure the power and A/V cables are fully plugged in. Also, make sure you have the DVD drive and the fan shroud (white plastic) on. Keep us updated with your progress i have a feeling you should be able to get this to work.


Oh. I don't even have an AV cable. Does it use the same cable as the original X-box? I have one of those. I have tried with the drive and the fan individualy, but not together I suppose


Alright, it turns on and off properly with the drive and fan/shroud in. And for the AV cable thing, if your wondering why I don't just try the cable, I don't know where it is. I have a three in one GC/PS/xbox cable replacing the lost/broken cable on my PS1. It's in the closet somewhere, and if it won't fit anyways I won't go digging for it.


New Member
4 lights is caused by not having an A/V cable securley plugged in. So you need that cord that one end goes into the xbox and the other end has the red/white/yellow plugs that need to go into something. If you don't have one you can buy it any gaming store.


Don't worry, I know what an A/V cable is. Will the original xbox's A/V cable work in the 360? I have one somewhere, but it's not worth finding if it won't work. I'm thinking it should work, because a PS1 cable works on a PS3, so... Also, when heat gunning, should I take the heatsinks off? Should I remove the heat paste? How far from the board should I hold the gun? If part of the board should be covered, would someone mind taking my motherboard picture into paint and scribbling where it should be covered?