How Easy is it to Jtag an Xbox?


I was just reading the jtag tutorial in more depth, and realised you need these: 2 Switching Diodes. I used 1N914 - 1N4148 Where can I get those? Radioshack? Also, it says you need a 1N4148 diode for reading the Nand, but that one wasn't included in the count was it? That would make 3?


New Member
PS3andCOD said:
I was just reading the jtag tutorial in more depth, and realised you need these: 2 Switching Diodes. I used 1N914 - 1N4148 Where can I get those? Radioshack? Also, it says you need a 1N4148 diode for reading the Nand, but that one wasn't included in the count was it? That would make 3?

IN4148 is a radioshack part number, thats where I get them. You need 3 IN4148 switching diodes, 2 for the JTAG connections and 1 for the LPT cable connections. You also need FIVE 1/4watt 100ohm resistors, also found at radioshack.

thejld said:
u could get it all at radioshack, but are the rrod and e74 error the same thing.

No RROD and E74 are not the same. E74 is far worse of a problem, but can be fixed by a proper reflow.


New Member
I mean using a rework station. You can usually find people with them on CL. You can try a heat gun, but the proper way is with a rework station.


New Member
So when u hav rrod, u don't have the e74 error message? what comes on ur strign when u hav the rrod? and what percentages of rrods hav e74 error message?


New Member
3 red lights is usually considered rrod. An E74 is 1 red light, the bottom right hand corner one. You can clearly see the difference between a rrod and an E74 error.


Thanks a lot Irish, you've been a great help. One last question: do they just stock those at most of the stores? When I search the part number on their site it doesn't come up with anything.


Useful Poster
They stock the diodes and resistors at most radio shacks. there will be like drawrs of them with 1/4, 1/2 and all other sizes. open the quarter watt drawer and they should be there. there really cheap too i get like 5 for 1 dollar at my radio shack


New Member
PS3andCOD said:
Thanks a lot Irish, you've been a great help. One last question: do they just stock those at most of the stores? When I search the part number on their site it doesn't come up with anything.

Sorry I wrote that wrong. IN4148 is the Diode number but not the actual radioshack part number. When you go into radioshack they will be in the diode pullout tray and labeled on the package IN4148 diodes.

thejld said:
screen i mean in stead of strign

3 red lights shows nothing on the screen, E74 shows and error message in a bunch of languages on the screen as well as E74.


Alright, I found them on the radioshack site, you accidently put a captal i instead of a 1 (number). I still can't find them on the source though, thats what the Canadian radioshacks all got converted to a few years ago. I'll have to call them and see. Do you know any other store that might sell them?

Note: it will bring you to them if you type that into the search bar, just making sure to use a number 1.


New Member
PS3andCOD said:
Alright, I found them on the radioshack site, you accidently put a captal i instead of a 1 (number). I still can't find them on the source though, thats what the Canadian radioshacks all got converted to a few years ago. I'll have to call them and see. Do you know any other store that might sell them?

Note: it will bring you to them if you type that into the search bar, just making sure to use a number 1.

Well you need to find a canadian supplier, so I am not much help there. I would try the canadian Ebay as well. Good catch on the diode.


OK. Does walmart sell them? We have them. Also, I saw in another thread you want in a loby, if I end up doing one, I'll see about hooking you up for helping me out.


No clue. Sorry. It's a printer cable though, so an old printer will have one. They use usb now though, so newer ones don't.