How to recognize different Pages with the Viking


New Member
Not sure if this has been answered before, but I recently got the Viking, I see there are multiple pages you can add macros too, is there a way to recognize what page your one? I know that the Viking has different color LED's already installed, maybe come out w a Macro that the color changes depending on what page you are on? Any help would be greatly appreciated, or even an idea of how YOU keep track of which page you are on?



Active Member
With my macro, I always put the page indictor on the top left quadrant of the xbox button, then chose a colour that told me the page I was on, eg: red = page one, blue = page two, etc. Its personal taste really, whatever sits well in your memory, or of course, make a note/list ....


New Member
Thanks Jim, maybe a stupid question, I have not played around w the software yet, is it as simple as adding a color to the program? or is it a little more complex then that?
Thanks for the response, that def helped!


Active Member
Very simple .... When you open the macro software your controller image appears, at the top are white dots, right click on the first dot (page 1) and choose a colour, same for added pages, by default your page colour will be top left quadrant of the xbox button ....that's it, your done ... Btw, when your first starting, nothing you ask is a stupid question, we all have to learn my friend, and this forum are superb at helping others, they were there for me at the beginning, so now its my turn to help others when I can .....