hybrid optic


What happened to the hybrid optic glitch? Did it get patched?
Or am I not punching the right buttons.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hi vamtnz which gun and sights are you equipped with? Which controller do you have (which console)?


I am using Xbox 360, Ragnarok, hybrid optic, and m8a1. The sights are working (zoom, no zoom) but no rapid fire.
vamtnz I use Macro controller and the hybrid with M8A1 is working fine for me as of late last night. The hybrid macro is a beast if you can get used to the super fast scoping. The hybrid can put 3 enemies down within a second. It is one of my favorite macro's to run with.



thanks for responding. I am also using the hybrid macro on my macro controller.
I am trying to use it on my Ragnarok. I was using the hybrid glitch when ver. 1.8
came out but now I can't get it to work.


ModdingBros Representative
Try holding TAC, (remain holding all these down in the order i write them out) select then RT. That will turn on the Hybrid mod. Continue holding all three of these buttons to cycle through all 3 different modes. Holding all three down will let u know if the software u downloaded is working correctly as there should only be three modes.


I think I've got it. Tried the three modes. RF does not work w/ mode 1 but works great w/ mode 2 & 3. Thanks for all your help.


ModdingBros Representative
Mode 1 is special. Its for the Hammer machine gun. Modes 2 and 3 have a rapidfire built into them. Mode 1 is a full auto mode made for fully automatic weapons mainly the Hammer machinegun. Modes 2 & 3 are for the burst riffles. There are 2 different speeds mainly centerd around your connection quality. If u have poor connection then one might work better than the other. Glade u figured it out. Its a little tricky with the three button activation modes. Its the same concept with the turbo knives which is tac+select+(RS) right stick. Also u know now that RT is right trigger. I use abrivations so I dont have to write the whole words out.

In the future u will see these abreveations used in the forms.

(RT); right trigger
(LT); left trigger
(RF); rapid fire
(LS); left stick
(RS); right stick
(LB); left bumper
(RB); right bumper
(tac); Tactial mod switch

learn these simple abrivations and it will help u out in knowing what people are explaining in the forums : )
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hybrid Optic Sight Glitch Rapidfire. That is a mouthful! Let's just call it Hybrid Rapidfire. To use this mod, you'll need to equip your soldier's primary gun with the Hybrid Optic gun sight.

To activate Hybrid Rapidfire, hold mod switch + hold BACK button + tap FIRE WEAPON. The Player 4 LED will twinkle to let you know that you've activated Hybrid Rapidfire.

To scroll to the next Hybrid Rapidfire mode, hold mod switch + hold BACK button + hold FIRE WEAPON and then count the blinks on the Player 4 LED. Stop when the mode matches your situation:

Mode 1: HAMR
Mode 2: M8A1, SWAT-556 (Fast, for good internet connection)
Mode 3: M8A1, SWAT-556 (Slow, for laggy internet connection)

What does Hybrid Rapidfire do?

On the HAMR gun, the first 7 shots are faster, but all the remaining shots are slowed down. The Hybrid Rapidfire mod will automatically scope/descope your gun for you, which resets this "7 shot counter". This means that you will be able to unload the entire clip on your HAMR significantly faster than you could without this mod enabled.

On the M8A1 and SWAT-556 guns, there is a mandatory delay between each 3-round group. With the Hybrid Rapidfire mod turned on and set to mode 2 or 3, this mandatory delay is reduced. The Hybrid Rapidfire mod will automatically scope/descope your gun for you, which reset this mandatory delay, allowing you to shoot successive 3-round groups much faster than you ever could without this mod enabled.