I Need A Emblem Macro PLEASE HELP!!!

Is there anyone here that can make a macro to make this emblem. I know that people did it in black ops 2 and I really like this emblem but there is not way that I would be able to make it like that. If there is anyone that could make a macro to the emblem in the youtube video link below I would greatly appreciate it it.


Im looking for someone to watch the video and record a macro that can be assigned to a tac switch to make the macro. Please help.

Anyone who could make and post this macro would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

modded matt

Active Member
I love the first comment in the video:

"you dont have the brain power for this" HAHAHA hilarious.

Dude what your asking for would take a good macro coder all day to do. you would need to map out exactly what buttons to press on a sheet of paper then try to build the exact same macro. I like most here would like to see you do this, but will decline to do it for you.

Good luck.
Slicktrick, the problem is I have tried and cant. The fact that you think its easy in my opinion means you are talented. I may give it another shot but for the most part havent been successful. @modded matt, I had no idea that it was so complicated. In fact I didnt realize that it was that compicated with some of the macros that have been coded for rapid fires and linking together multiple movements ya know? Im not claiming that what I am asking for is easy but I for sure didnt know that it was that hard.

modded matt

Active Member
the macro would have prolly close to a hundred button presses. courser up, courser left three times, press A, etc, it could be done...... but what wont work is the fact that some of the shapes are edited in size with the analog stick this will be impossible to replicate accurately.


ModdingBros Representative
Yep when u play back your recorded macro You wont get the exact same results. U will end up with a really ****** up looking emblem LOL.