I Need a Remington Jitter a Fast one


ModdingBros Representative

Here is a Remington jitter. Found it just a couple threads down. Its the last post in the link. Everything can be aqired if u put in the effort of looking for it.

And yes this is the most recent and fastest jitter for the Remington in bo2. If u want faster than by all means tweak this or make one yourself. Not to sound rude, I just Dont have time to make stuff anymore :(


ModdingBros Representative
Ok so this file is corrupted. I made a new jitter but my software is bugging out and mjaking corrupted macros. So This is far from perfect but this is all i could make before my macros would currupt. Forward movement would currupt and show it going in reverse order and the line would fly way out the the circle of movement?????? anyway try this jitter out and let me know if its bugging out!


  • BO2 N3RDY JITTER.vkm
    576 bytes · Views: 17


ModdingBros Representative
I'm unfortunately unable to help u @ the moment. I can't make macros. When I do they get corrupted and read out really weird anologe movements. I worked on that particular macro for like half an hour and that was the best I could do without the anolge movements going berserk. Until I can find out what's wrong with my software I can't help u out. I make forward anologe movements and then it shows it as reverse anolge movements that go outside the paremiters of possible full anolge movements. Sorry I did try.