I need some help!


New Member
Hey, everyone.
I know the Viking Library has been down, for some reason.
Some have pointed me to here, on the forums that i could find what I'm looking for, but unfortunately i cannot.

I'm looking for the best possible YY jitter, for MW2/CoD4 (M16, FAMAS, Raffica)

I've tried making them, but for some reason, can't get back what i had made in the past.
It tends to skip, i know it's my fault, it isn't the chip. but if i could get some help on a YY jitter, let me know!


ModdingBros Representative
Ill try to dig into some of my old maacros and see if i cant whip something out for u later today. If i have time tommorow after work and cant find my old macro files I might try to build one from scratch for u. I cant guarntee that they will be as good as the old ones but it shouldent take me very much time to make a good working YY jitter for those speciffic weapons. Also I can probley whip up some LT jitter sim assist for those burst riffles so u can have your RT jitter and your LT RF for the burst assult riffles or let me know if you prefer a tac jitter.


New Member
That sounds great! I agree, when i first started making them, I made some awesome ones. i can't seem to get it going good again, but i would really appreciate it. And, for those weapons i like RT, jitter. If you need my email, let me know! or PM me!


New Member
I have a good base for one, right now, i'm still working on. it shoots good, but it wants to skip. i'll try and turn it down some, but it isn't shooting to awfully fast as it is, idk what to do


ModdingBros Representative
I posted a new jitter I made from the librarys YY medium jitter version. I dident like the YY version and it was slow and uneffective. I completley overhalled it and went with 4 different XYY versions and re did the speed multipier on it. It works a million times better than the library versions i used.

I posted the macros in the MW2 section in game specific macro chat. The thread is callled new jitter. Wont be hard to find considering there is only one other link besides the one i just uploaded. Try it out and let me know if it helped u out any. Thanks
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ModdingBros Representative
My new jitters are pretty much universal with all COD titles under MW3. Ive tested them and on every game it gives u the fastest cleanest possible jitter out there. It works for any weapon that can be jitterd. The only exception is the stakeout shotgun in the origional blackops. All it needs is timmed down slower for it to work on that particular weapon. I will make a seperate macro for this weapon. Try them out and see for yourself.
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