I want some help!


New Member
This may not be possible and i'll probably get some answer that i think will either help, or doesn't get what i want at all ;p i'm used to that!

but, i know controllers like manymodz, splattermods, etc...
have set speeds/modes that you can only change the shots/second.
but i want to figure out how to make a set speed like that for my viking macro, so i have that constant, consistent, steady as in non-skipping/stutter i get with every XYY jitter i've downloaded for the Striker on MW2.

I love my controller, but i want that set speed that works perfect everytime. I know batteries have to do with how it works and connect, but with new batteries, and perfect connection, i want that perfect jitter! can someone help me?
I've tried all of the jitters form the library, i've made my own, and played around with it, i know some good shots/second but can't get the ratio of x:yy down like preset speeds from other controllers. i really hope someone can help! i love bragging rights that viking can give me! haha
thanks guys.

GT: Oh That Molly


ModdingBros Representative
I've made some cool new xyy jitters for mw2 and BO that I feel are as fast and cosistant as manymods. There in the MW2 section of the forums. P.s I also made a turbo knife that beats the MW2 online patch. Its not 100% but good enough to be labeled as a deffenant benefit! Ok on to the main issue. The jitters I made are super fast for the striker right before the point before they fire double bullets where one round is a ghost round. The only issues I have with the xyy is say if your using the FAMAS or any burst riffle if u aim and jitter fire its not very accurate and I feel that other companies use a cancler on the LT to get a better aim fire jitter but unfortunantly due to the limitations of the macro software when u hold LT it cycles the same speed as the macro. If u haven't tried my mw2 macros check them out and post back your thoughts. I've spent a day tweak I g these macros to where I feel their isn't much room for improvement. Even when I get to the last rounds no clips left the yy portion does really good as well.


ModdingBros Representative
Well feel free to share your creations and make this post more relevant! I don't have time to make macros anymore so I try to poke people in the right direction of what they may be looking for so if u have some good stuff share it with everyone and make your thread worth something.