v360Reflex said:
LoveKillzSlowly said:
This is called vandalism and could have easily got you arrested for it too. You are lucky that the only thing they gave you was a suspension.
Try posting in the "anything goes" section of the forums next time so we can keep the forums clean please.
so funny how Peeps come on here actin like a MODERATOR or OD which you are not LoveKillzSlowly... stop actin' like it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I am in no way, shape or form trying to act like a moderator here. Seriously stfu acting like you know me dude because in reality I would probably smack you up kid. The main reason why people are having trouble even finding stuff is because they have to go through a bunch of useless threads that were posted in the wrong section to begin with and people here never stay on topic. This is why you see the same questions here asked over and over again. Don't make me embarrass you like I did to that other kid, who decided to delete the whole conversation. I have been following this site since it first open so I have been keeping track of everything and I finally decided to make an account so I can start posting/testing macros, I don't have to be here, so don't get it twisted.
It's also funny how a moderator agreed with me because he or she moved the thread to the appropriate section.