If any customers still think Viking is the best, we could use your help

modded matt

Active Member
TTG are a bunch of children who do nothing but ***** about life. I ban their members when they come to acidmods. I have been banned from ttg due to me flaming them already. LOL you cant even type ttg at acidmods, if you do the text is replaced with an image of a pile of dog poo.

I think they are somehow linked to evil controllers, possibly ad space or sponsorship.

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
I registered there in 2010 and I think I had one post when I logged into my old account there this morning lol. I never posted because I saw the way some people acted on there and didn't want to be a part of it. It is a decent site though and it helped me out with certain mod info and stuff I needed back then, but this is ridiculous. I can't believe people even like evilcontrollers. I'd hate to have to be those kids who bought their master mod v1 and now have to go buy the master mod v2 if they want to be up to date with today's games =P XD

I hope my post helped, told nothing but the truth that people are just failing to see.


New Member
to me every one that makes the same modded controllers. its all Bout buying from that one compay and sticking by there side.
I just tried to register with these idiots and it won't let me. I'll keep trying and then make a post. These people are idiots and it's very apparent. I was dumb and did a GamerModz order and had to get the Florida Attorney General involved.

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
to me every one that makes the same modded controllers. its all Bout buying from that one compay and sticking by there side.

I respect that. As long as you've never had a serious problem with whatever company it is, why would you change u know?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Guys, just got home and I got to read some of the posts over at thetechgame. I really appreciate your support of my company. Thanks for standing up for us!

Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
Guys, just got home and I got to read some of the posts over at thetechgame. I really appreciate your support of my company. Thanks for standing up for us!
No problem man, their just a bunch of fan boys whose jaws would drop if they had their hands wrapped around a macro controller.


ModdingBros Leader
Yeah Im always here. Its just people make their judgements before they even glance at the macro.


New Member
Hello, I'm new to viking and I have to say this. I really wish I found you sooner. I do not have my controller yet but I will be getting it on friday. Everything I have read about viking cotrollers sounds great. The one thing that got me was the fact you can connect it to the computer to program it. Now I do have 2 other controllers one from gamingmodz.com and one from einsteinmodz.com controller. I can tell you this einstein modz controller big waist of money. There is no way what so ever to program it. And your limited to what games. Now as far a gamingmodz.com no help, the directions to even try to program the controller is just crazy. Also they don't even tell you how to turn on some of the features like zombie mode. When you do get the controller set right it works ok. But I have put in a ticket with them to figure out the fast reload and have yet to even hear from them. There is no forums so you can even try to talk to someone. Like I said I dont have my controller yet it will be in this friday and im really excited about it. I hope I dont get in any trouble for mentioning their name on here. But its the truth. I really like the fact that you can program the controller and there is a forum you can go to if you need any help. I dont even have my controller yet and I can allready tell its going to be better then any other controller out there. Thank you viking I will give a review when I get my controller in.


Active Member
I hope I dont get in any trouble for mentioning their name on here. But its the truth. I really like the fact that you can program the controller and there is a forum you can go to if you need any help. I dont even have my controller yet and I can allready tell its going to be better then any other controller out there. Thank you viking I will give a review when I get my controller in.

We don't ever get customers / forum members in trouble for mentioning other mod sites. Some mod sites (including Evil controllers - personal experience) IP banned me when I mentioned I was working with viking. I made one post on the forums, asking a simple question about their mod versus viking360's modded controller, and got banned there too.


LOL you cant even type ttg at acidmods, if you do the text is replaced with an image of a pile of dog poo

Now this I've got to try!

Buy yeah, the amount that evil spend on advertising, there is peobably some over there.

I'm more of a se7enSins reader, and over there that have got viking360 as one of the recommended sites (or something like that)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
TTG + Evil = partnership. TTG lets Evil throw their weight around on their forums. That's why I had to call in re-inforcements lol. I can't afford to hire employees to just sit around posting on thetechgame.com all day lol. My employees are too busy working to buidd your high tech controller!

Welcome aboard!