Impressions after one month


New Member
I've had my "Duo" for exactly one month and thought I would let potential customers know how I feel after the "newness" wore off. I installed the MW2 "Works" driver the day it came in. After playing MW2 with the controller for a month, I feel there is no way I can go back to an original controller. This controller changed the game for me. I love sniper mode and stay on that 85% of the time. The rapid fire is great for the Famas/M16 since I don't have to pull the trigger again after each 3 round burst. It might be my imagination, but I think it has improved my accuracy due to less hand movement while aiming. Moreover, the 3 & 5 round burst setting is great with the FAL. But, if I had to choose the best aspect of this controller I would say that the future User GUI wins. I've played around with the beta and can't wait until the full package is finished. When this controller wears out (I'm rough on the sticks) I have no doubt I will buy a replacement.
Good job guys!


New Member
I've had my controller(duo) for almost a month now and am very pleased with it. I was skeptical at first on the price, but totally bought one after failing on a DIY(VERY TOUGH!!!). This is definitely a finely made customized controller. I am also looking forward to the new GUIs in the works for they offer the ultimate in customization. I think the power of this controller lies in the ability to make the product work for you, as opposed to not being able to tweak anything. Most definitely a unique product and experience... :D


New Member
gambini98 said:
I've had my controller(duo) for almost a month now and am very pleased with it. I was skeptical at first on the price, but totally bought one after failing on a DIY(VERY TOUGH!!!). This is definitely a finely made customized controller. I am also looking forward to the new GUIs in the works for they offer the ultimate in customization. I think the power of this controller lies in the ability to make the product work for you, as opposed to not being able to tweak anything. Most definitely a unique product and experience... :D
Yes, I agree with your opinion too. I tried an extremely basic *push button for crappy rapid fire* mod last summer but I failed horribly and ended up breaking my controller by putting gorilla glue all over it :oops: . Well, in February I got the hammer and it just didn't seem to be enough to use the sync button and not be able to get all of viking's great features for the duo. so I installed the tact. switches and it makes a HUGE difference. I definitely couldn't have done it without vikings online instructions. The manager at radio shack even said he was quite impressed by them. :D