In game macro switching?


New Member
I checked the faq and lazily searched the forum for this question: Can you switch between full controller macro setups in game? Like, press a button combination to switch between all the different setups you may have set up on your controller? I did notice that you can save multiple full controller setups in the software on the PC, but I haven't discovered how to change between them... any thoughts? Thanks guys and gals,

Each different setup is a "Page" I have my front right and front left tac switch set to change pages. I have mine set like the below example so that in Black Ops if I change classes I can change my setup so that I can have the best Fast Reload on for each weapon..... just click on the tac switch and set it to Page Left or Page Right

Page 1 - Green - No Macros
Page 2 - Red - M16
Page 3 - Blue - FAMAS
Page 4 etc etc etc.....


Active Member
Deliriation said:
I checked the faq and lazily searched the forum for this question: Can you switch between full controller macro setups in game? Like, press a button combination to switch between all the different setups you may have set up on your controller? I did notice that you can save multiple full controller setups in the software on the PC, but I haven't discovered how to change between them... any thoughts? Thanks guys and gals,


Yes, a tactical switch on the controller can switch a page. You can have up to 16 different pages. Each page can contain a macro on any buttons on the xbox 360 controller (minus a few). Each full set of 16 pages or less is saved into one macro set. A .vks file. You can have unlimited saved on your PC and send them to your controller. Or you can have one big 16 page .vks so that you can easily switch in-game between each page. Again, a tactical switch on the controller switches the page. You can set which tactical switch.

I hope I was specific enough - anything you need that is more specific just let me know. I'll explain whatever you'd like.


New Member
Yeah all of your info was great! Now I understand what "page left" and "page right"means.... awesome, you guys ROCK! Thanks a tonne.

