well this is the 3rd set of pictures I seen about a macro chip! Sorry to say but I'm thinking about just doing the same myself or making a video where I do destroy the macro controller because of the same problem which is ****ed up tac switches!!! I mean $265 plus $20 for 3 day shipping isnt cheap for a controller its basically $300 that just went down the drain! I could always just ship it back for repairs but it doesn't seem right receiving a $300 dollar broken controller that you must pay to ship back and may perhaps show more problems in the future!!! So if I dont receive a return label for my 2 week old controller which I reported the 2nd day broken I will just most likely go ahead and post a video of me ****ing on it and destroying it! I`ll let you guys know Im also open for ideas for a video so lets see what happens??? Now I know some admins may be mad at this post but its only the truth and I hope viking takes pride and responsibility for their losses as a responsible company!
And the longer you wait, the closer you get to the end of your 90 day warranty. All you have to do is ship it to our shop. Repairs are free.
The USPS charges $6 for a shipping label. If you can afford a $265 controller plus $20 for three-day shipping (guess what - you didn't pay $265, you paid $249, so stop lying), surely you can afford a $6 USPS priority shipping label? In the amount of time you wasted whining in this thread, you could've made a trip down to the post office. You first posted about this problem way back on 12/22/2010 in the forums. That means you've had your mod for almost three weeks. Stop *****ing, go get $6 from your wallet, and mail the controller back.
Do you know why we don't offer to pay for shipping on repair/returns? Several reasons:
1.) Major retailers make YOU pay shipping for RMA's and repairs, regardless of who's fault it is. Walmart/Costco/Bestbuy/Amazon/the list goes on my friend... nobody pays for your shipping but you. It's the price you pay for purchasing on-line. Don't like to pay shipping? Then go buy a macro controller from a retail store. Oh that's right, they aren't available in stores.
2.) Most of the time we receive a repair/return, it turns out the warranty sticker is gone, the customer lied, and the mod is trashed.
If it turns out you are an honest customer, we'd be more than happy to throw back at you a free PnC rechargeable pack which is worth twice the shipping you'll be paying with the USPS. Now please do us all and yourself a favor. Mail the ****ing controller back already! No, we are not going to replace your controller entirely for free at day 89. No, your warranty does not magically re-extend if you wait until 89 days to send it in. Your warranty is a fixed 90 days from the date of purchase, period. So you'd better get it sent back in fast, as your warranty is ticking my friend.
We don't make you fill out any forms, we don't make you put cash in the box. We just need you to ship it back, because I'm not buying airline tickets to fly to your house and do the repairs in your garage. The only way it's going to get fixed is if the controller is mailed back to our shop.