Ip ban from se7ensins?


New Member
Okay, well whenever i try to connect to se7ensins.com It say gives me an error. all the time..

I ran the diognostic thing and it gave me this...

"The website is online but isn't responding to connection attempts"

I can view the website through or something like that but not with any regular browser.

HELp?>> :|


Useful Poster
I dont think that is an ip ban because i get it sometimes and sometimes i dont. se7ensins is just down alot. try to get on now it should work.


New Member
modded matt said:
there is no help for you, you pissed someone off.

The thing is.... i'm not even registered at the ************************************* site!

Very long curse word :evil:


New Member
Se7ensins is becoming Bigger every day. The traffic they get just increases everyday. The problem you are most likely having is there is too much traffic whenever you try and connect. The servers are most likely just strained from excess traffic