Irregularities with programming guides


New Member
I have not bought a controller yet but I plan on buying an Odin's Raven soon, like this week. I was looking at the programming guides (video and text document) and noticed one small difference in the two. On the text guide it says "In the HID BootLoader program click on the box next to “Allow Configuration Word Programming”". Yet on the video guide he doesn't do that at all but he was still able to program his controller. So does it matter if I do this? And if not then when would you ever need to? Sorry if this question is noobish but I am new to this and would like to know exactly what I am doing so I don't mess anything up.


Useful Poster
They started to make a new board in the controllers(cg2) so you click that box the first time you get your controller and then you dont have to click it anymore.


New Member
Krier023 said:
They started to make a new board in the controllers(cg2) so you click that box the first time you get your controller and then you dont have to click it anymore.
OK thanks for clearing that up. Also if I bought the controller today and they should ship it tomorrow then would it come most likely on Wednesday?


New Member
Viking usually ship out a day or 2 after you order, then another 3 to 5 days to deliver it. Depending on the post office.