J tag


New Member
Jtag is a hacked xbox running a custom kernal. This allows for the running of unsigned content as well as game modifications. You would need an xbox with a Kernal of 7371 or lower. If you have been online at all with it in the past year or played new games chances its the newest kernal. As for finding one try looking for a store that still sells Pro's. But even then it may not be an exploitable kernal.


New Member
Then you might be ok....Check the dashboard revision, and if thats good you have to jtag and dump the nand to see if the CB thats on there is exploitable. PM me if you need some help getting it done. But like obo said it will never be safe on live, basically asking for a ban.

bowl killa tcb

New Member
I have a my brother has a older 360 that is modded to play burnt games.Its never been on line i have him bringing it over for a week or so. now what gets banned the 360 or the gamertag i have a extra profile i plan to bo the shadey stuff with. If it works i will be hookin some people up.


New Member
Its a console ban not a profile ban. If you are gonna do it try to get as many people as you can, because it won't last long lol


Well-Known Member
Staff member
This type of technology ends up landing in a 'grey area' of legality. Do some heavy googling on the "DMCA" if you live in the United States - aka the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. It's screwed up, but the gist is you are not allowed to defeat copy protection, even if you are only doing so to archive intellectual property you already own. In other words,

You purchase GTA IV (you're still legal).
You JTAG your XBOX so that it runs unsigned code (probably also still legal).
You JTAG your XBOX so that it can play backup copies (probably illegal).
You copy an XBOX DVD on your computer using a backup tool (probably illegal).

I know for most of you this doesn't make sense - why would it be illegal to backup software I legally purchased? The answer is, that's just the way the law was written, and that's the way we do it in the United States - we pass laws that just don't make sense. They don't have laws like this in other countries. In other countries, a device/firmware/custome software/etc. is only considered unlawful/illegal if the SOLE purpose of the device is piracy. In most cases, JTAG'ging does have a legitimate purpose - running custom unsigned homebrew code.

In any case, just thought I'd insert my two bits, people have been arguing over this for years. In any case probably don't want anyone posting any files or 'bins' here on the viking360 site because I don't want to be responsible for whether or not files are legal in terms of the DMCA. But freedom of speech says we can talk about this shit all we want! lol