Jitter Fix ??


New Member
hey guys im having issuies with my controller when i put any jitter macro on my controller it shots 1 burst of the gun i try and then shots 1 shot over and over tell i empty my clip i LOVE jitter and my rapidfire is a acting strang to i LOVE my controller and think its probly the best 200$ iv spent but im very intrested in getting a resolution thanx 4 your help !


Active Member
GJUnLeAsHeD said:
hey guys im having issuies with my controller when i put any jitter macro on my controller it shots 1 burst of the gun i try and then shots 1 shot over and over tell i empty my clip i LOVE jitter and my rapidfire is a acting strang to i LOVE my controller and think its probly the best 200$ iv spent but im very intrested in getting a resolution thanx 4 your help !

Post your .vks.


New Member
ok so i updated the firm ware and it worked well 4 probly an hour than it started switching wepons randomly and the jitter started working but wouldnt stop shooting evan after i let go of the trigger i had to take the battery pack out it to get it to stop working and the controller also stoped charging my play and charge goes green REALLY FAST and heres my vks THANX


Active Member
GJUnLeAsHeD said:
ok so i updated the firm ware and it worked well 4 probly an hour than it started switching wepons randomly and the jitter started working but wouldnt stop shooting evan after i let go of the trigger i had to take the battery pack out it to get it to stop working and the controller also stoped charging my play and charge goes green REALLY FAST and heres my vks THANX

That is your .vkm... I'm asking your .vks.

Play and charge is just a minor glitch on all controllers... it tricks it. Anyways, I need your full .vks.


Active Member
GJUnLeAsHeD said:
ok here it is

2 issues, one is that the speed is 9.50. Try setting the jitter speed to 5.00 on the RT.

Also, update your turbo knife to the newest one in the library, yours is majorly old! V2.0??? I'm way past that :)

Your akimbo is also strange...


New Member
NYjetsNY1 said:
GJUnLeAsHeD said:
ok here it is

2 issues, one is that the speed is 9.50. Try setting the jitter speed to 5.00 on the RT.

Also, update your turbo knife to the newest one in the library, yours is majorly old! V2.0??? I'm way past that :)

Your akimbo is also strange...
okay but my mane issue is that 4 no reason im switching guns which is very anoying and whats strange bout my akimbo ?? :( and Thanx 4 your quick response and great help !!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
GJUnLeAsHeD said:
okay but my mane issue is that 4 no reason im switching guns which is very anoying and whats strange bout my akimbo ?? :( and Thanx 4 your quick response and great help !!

Jitter mod, by definition, is a macro that hits "X... pause... Y... pause... Y...." on your controller. Jitter lets you shoot faster because between each shot your game character is reloading and cancelling the reload very quickly. Changing weapons IS jitter.


New Member
I think the customer is having a different problem here. It's not an issue that the controller is switching guns. That's expected. He just want's it to stop switching guns when he takes his finger off the trigger.

If I understand what he's saying, then whenever he presses the trigger once, the jitter goes into an infinite loop and cannot be stopped until you unplug your controller or switch pages.

GJUnLeAsHeD, does this happen when you use the jitter macros provided by viking360 in the macro library?


New Member
obo said:
I think the customer is having a different problem here. It's not an issue that the controller is switching guns. That's expected. He just want's it to stop switching guns when he takes his finger off the trigger.

If I understand what he's saying, then whenever he presses the trigger once, the jitter goes into an infinite loop and cannot be stopped until you unplug your controller or switch pages.

GJUnLeAsHeD, does this happen when you use the jitter macros provided by viking360 in the macro library?
yes but it is a very old macro what happens is that i let go of the trigger and randomly from time to time the gun switches when im not pulling on the trigger Thanx 4 your help!!