jitter question


ModdingBros Representative
Honestly both those are garbage! there jitter fires to fast to do damage. I can make a jitter have infinite ammo but what good is it if it just fires ghost bullets. Notice they NEVER SHOW ANYONE being killed using there jitter?! its because the bullets wont do any damage to anyone. these are a just for show thing. Watch some of the new videos odin made for his jitter updates on the ragnarok and thats what a real jitter looks like in BO2. This game has a very low jitter setting speed to it and only the Xyy jitter method works. Ya u can make it look like its shooting crazy fast but really it does NOTHING! Dont be fooled by the hype.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I think those are like a fast Y,Y? The second one is definitely completely ineffective because it's not actually shooting any bullets. Look at bullet count in lower right-hand corner. I tried this same thing on my macro controller but in a game match even though it shows and sounds like a bullet shooting, the game is not registering any bullets coming out of the gun.