

ModdingBros Representative
Im going to start off and say thank you to Shane, Gleipnir, A NewZealander & bonefisher for cracking the patch and updating the new sprint jitter. I wanted to add to what you guys have already done and share some of my takes!

I call these jitters JITTERAID. They are all RT jitters. The JITTERAID and JITTERAID #2 macros do not require any special perks for opperation. The JITTERAID-DEX & JITTERAID-DEX #2 macros requires dextarity perk. I drastically cut the forward movement in these jitters as well. They all work real good but there are still little issues. Sometimes it laggs the first shot if your too close to an enemy. Please let me know what ones u like by posting in this section. I listed the macros in order from top to bottom. Top being the best, bottom being next to the best. The top 2 share the same operation funtions as do the bottom two. So my order goes top macro best, next macro is next to the best then repeated the same with the next two macros.

I'd like to Thank everyone for your contributions and here they are......


  • JITTERAID-DEX #2.vkm
    736 bytes · Views: 33
    704 bytes · Views: 17
  • JITTERAID #2.vkm
    720 bytes · Views: 18
    688 bytes · Views: 15
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New Member
Thanks Brian and everyone else for taking the time to invent the new jitter. I'll now try the jitters above and will report back as soon as I'm done testing.


New Member
Ok, Jitteraid-DEX works perfect, but the issue of reloading is still bugging me. It didn't lag on me at all except when I'm sometimes close to an enemy, it would shoot one bullet and will immediately reload after that for some reason. I got killed a lot because of this bug. :p


ModdingBros Representative
I just re edited all of them again. The reload problem was buggin the hell out of me. It only seems it does it when your in close contact with an enemy. The JITTERAID-DEX was a little too fast it would sometimes double fire out 1 ghost bullet. I tweaked it down a bit and now have it where im happy with it. I made a JITTERAID-DEX #2. In my opinion its the best one of the 4. It seems to shoot a little faster & cleaner with less reload problems. Check out the latest revisions and let me know if you think there better than my older betas.
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I've noticed every body's version of jitter is lagging when real close to A enemy, anybody have a theory on why that is?


ModdingBros Representative
I think its just like the jitters before. Even the XYY jitters did this. I have a theroy that when u get too close to an enemy your system has to works harder to register all whats going on. Its like a overload of information that translates into lagg. For ex. U ever play sega genises sonic the hitchog and then the game goes super slow when u get hit and all your rings u saved go flying everywhere. Well thats caused by the sytem having to work extra hard loading all the extra data going on in the game. Thats why people were overclocking there segas to deleate the system lagg brought on by overloaded information. Anways I could be wrong but this is my theroy on it.
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New Member
Just tried JITTERAID-DEX #2 and it seems a bit faster than the first one. However, the reload issue remains.

I also noticed that when I ADS and shoot, the shotgun would reload after each bullet. So, I think if we can prevent the shotgun from reloading after shooting each bullet while ADSing, I believe this will solve the problem of reloading while hipfiring. :)
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ModdingBros Representative
Its a tricky thing. I have been trying to figure it out but i have doubts if it will be fixible. Even the XYY jitters would mess up when u get to close to someone. Another thing I noticed is u cant be sprinting and hold forward on the LS

stick then hit the jitter. It will automaticaly cancel the jitter out. However if your not sprinting but just holding forward on the LS stick it will not do the reload glitch. I belive its some kind of lagg issue that happens when your

around enemys. Just fire the gun when there are no enemys around. It works flawless everytime but the minute u get within 4 feet of someone u get screwed half the time. Another issue i noticed is sensitivity levels. These macros

work on a forward LS motion. Different sensitivity levels will dictate a different forward movment outcome. The forward movement makes a big difference on how these macros opperate. I use sensitivity #8 and thats what i test

my macros out on. There might be cases where my macros may not work for someone if the use low sensitivity levels like stock settings. All I can say is there are a lot of varibles and the new macros are about half as good as the

origional jitters before the patch but i really think that this is probably as good as its going to get!
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Well-Known Member
Brian I couldn't get yours to work! So I went a little deeper and came up with new one's! Made new thread call JitterBug! Give them a try and tell me whaT you think?


Well-Known Member
Maybe why I couldn't get yours to work because I'm on sensitivity #14! As for the ADS if you miss while aiming just let go LT and it will cancel the reload and fire the jitter!
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ModdingBros Representative
Yea the sensitivites change the forward movement and it affects the way the macro opperates. I Think connection has the biggest part to do with it. I tested mine out online on senitivity 14 and it worked but I had a very hard time moving around with that high of a sensitivity.