Just ordered the Macro controller/Black Ops 2 questions


New Member
Hi all!

I ordered my macro controller last Friday and am expecting it to arrive tomorrow. I've been doing some homework on the software and macros, and was hoping the community had some answers to my questions regarding BO2. From what I have seen, there is no macro library for Black Ops 2, so I'm assuming macros in the 'Black Ops' section should work? My question is, do the macros in the Black Ops library work for guns that have different fire rates in Black Ops 2? For example, the FAL and SMR are both single shot weapons but have different fire rates. Would I have to adjust the fire rate for each specific weapon to keep it shooting as optimally as possible? I have also heard to try to keep my macros as universal as possible so I can use them on any weapon? Also, word on the street is when creating rapid fire macros for Black Ops 2 I should try to "feather" the trigger pulls?

I am sure there is a lot of fundamentals I still have to learn about the controller, but if anyone could elaborate more on how the macros work for Black Ops 2 I would greatly appreciate it. I'd like to get off on the right foot when I get it tomorrow. Thanks again!

(Editing this. Noticed I should have probably put this in the game specific chat. My bad ^^)


ModdingBros Representative
The library will be updated hopefully some time soon but if u go into the macro forums there are a lot of macros for this game. I personally made 70+ macros for this game and u can get all my macros in one file if you go to the ModdingBros sticky thread on the first page at the bottom of the page u will see a blue thread u can click and u can download all my macros for this game. Just look for WHITE 4ND N3RDY toward the bottom of pg#1 and the blue underlined thread.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I've just been grabbing macros for older COD games, most of them still work in BO2