Killer Instinct Runes


ModdingBros Representative
Dug this info up on some other site. It has all the moves listed. Now someone needs to code all of it LOL. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
_/ General Info _/

Regular Moves:
Basic punches and kicks. They are quick but don't cause much damage.

Special Moves:
Unique moves that can be performed at any time durin the fight. They cause
more damage than regular moves, but require specific joystick and button

Basic Combos:
Combos are several moves strung together which are unblockable after the
first hit. After you preform a combo, the announcer will yell out what type
of combo it was. Here is a list of possible combos.


Triple 3
Super 4
Hyper 5
Brutal 6
Master 7
Awesome 8
Blaster 9
Monster 10
King 11
Killer 12-19
Ultra 20+

Ultra Combo:
A special type of combo which can only be activated by a certain joystick
and button combination after you have strung together at least 2 hits.
It hits the opponent twenty plus times. It can only be performed when the
opponent's energy bar is flashing red.

Ultimate Combo:
A special type of combo which can only be activated by a certain joystick and
button combination after you have strung together at least 2 hits. The combo
ends with a No Mercy move. Can only be performed when the opponent's energy
bar is flashing red.

Release/Shadow Moves:
Release moves go faster than normal and are harder to break. Shadow moves
not only go faster than normal, but they take off more damage and they have
a shadow. To do a release move simply hold the button, do the ending motion,
then release the button. Do the same thing when you have a flashing line

Combo Breaker:
Special moves which are used to stop combos. They must be preformed between
hits in a combo. After you do a combo breaker, the line on your energy bar
will start flashing. You do not need to charge Combo Breaker moves. When
using combo breaker, specific buttons must be used to break other buttons.
1/4 breaks 2/5, 2/5 breaks 3/6, and 3/6 breaks 1/4.

Air Juggle:
After you perform a combo that knocks the opponent high into the air, you can
hit them as they are falling with an air juggle move. Only certain special
moves have the ability to juggle opponents, all other moves go through them.
Air juggle moves don't take off much enery but they add one extra hit to the

Double & Triple Juggle:
Some characters do multiple air juggle moves when their energy bar line is
flashing. These multiple juggle moves will hit two or three times depending
on which character it is.

No Mercy:
After defeating your opponent for the second time in a fight, you have the
chance to perform a No Mercy. A No Mercy is a move which kills your
opponent. A No Mercy may have a different outcome depending on what
character you performed it against.

If you defeat your opponent for the second time in a fight without loosing
all the energy in your first energy bar, you will be able to perform a
Humiliation. A Humiliation is a move which hummiliates the opponent by
forcing them to dance to some very "weird" music.

Last Breath:
After being defeated for the second time in a fight, your character will
be dizzy. Rapidly shake the joystick left and right and press all the
buttons to "Speed Up" the dizzy process. If you do this long enough with-
out your opponent hitting you or performing a finish move you, will get up
and fight with your last breath. You will be given just enough energy so
that if you block a special move, or get hit, you will die.

_/ Cinder _/


Mini Torch: Back, Back, QP
Trail Blazer Charge: Forward, Forward, Any Punch
Semi Invisibility: Half Circle Back, MP
Invisibility: Half Circle Back, FP
Inferno Torch: Forward, Forward, Any Kick
Uppercut with Kick: Forward, Down, Down-Forward, Any Kick
Air Juggle: Forward, Forward, FP


Combo Breaker: Forward, Down, Down-Forward, MK
Ultra Combo: Forward, Forward, FP
Ultimate: Half Circle Back, MK
Humiliation: Back, Back, Back, Back, FK


No Mercy 1: Back, Back, Back, MP (Stand 2 Character distance away)
(Throws lava and melts you)

No Mercy 2: Half Circle Toward, QK (Stand 2 Character distance away)
(Uses his flame thower on you)


Combo No 1: Forward, Forward, QP, Back, MP, Back, Back, QP, Back, FP,
Forward, Down, Down-Forward, FK

Combo No 2: Forward, Forward, QP, Back, Back, QP, Back, FP, Forward,
Forward, FP

_/ T.J. Combo _/


Backhand: Charge Back, Forward, QP
Roll Punch: Charge Back, Forward, MP
Charging Punch: Charge Back, Forward, FP
Flying Knee: Charge Back, Forward, QK or FK
Punching Bag: Tap QP
Uppercut: Hold FP 3 Seconds, Release FP
Air Juggle: Charge Back, Forward, FP


Combo Breaker: Charge Back, Forward, MK
Shadow Move: Hold FP, Charge Back, Forward, Release FP
Ultra Combo: Charge Forward, Back, FP
Ultimate: Half Circle Back, MK
Humiliation: Down, Down, Down, QP


No Mercy 1: Half Circle Toward, FK (Stand Close)
(Smacks you into the screen)

No Mercy 2: Back, Back, Forward, Forward, MP (Stand 1 Character distance away)
(Snaps your neck and makes a cool sound)


Combo No 1: Charge Back 2 seconds, Forward, MP, Back, FK, Charge back 2
seconds, Forward, MP

Combo No 2: Charge Back 2 seconds, Forward, QP, Forward, QK, Charge Forward
2 seconds, Back, QP, Back, QP, Back 2 seconds, Forward, MP

_/ Jago _/


Fireball: Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Any Punch
Uppercut: Forward, Down, Down-Forward, Any Punch
Laser Sword: Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, Any Kick
Flying Kick: Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, Any Kick


Combo Breaker: Forward, Down, Down-Forward, MP
Shadow Move 1: Hold FK, Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, Release FK
Shadow Move 2: Hold FP, Forward, Down, Down-Forward, Release FP
Release Move 1: Hold QP, Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Release QP
Release Move 2: Hold FP, Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Release FP
Ultra Combo: Down, Down-Back, Back, QK
Ultimate: Half Circle Toward, FP
Humiliation: Half Circle Back, MK


No Mecy 1: Back, Forward, Forward, QK (Stand Close)
(Slashes you twice, then stabs you)

No Mercy 2: Back, Back, Forward, Forward, MP
(Stand 3 Character distance away)
(Drops a car on your head)


Combo No 1: Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, FK, MK, Down-Forward, Down,
Down-Back, FP, MK, Forward, Down, Down-Forward, FP

Combo No 2: Jump in FK, MP, Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, FP, MK, Down-
Forward, Down, Down-Back, MK

_/ Glacius _/


Blade Arm: Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, QP
Long Arm: Tap QP
Fireball: Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Any Punch
Shoulder Charge: Charge Back, Forward, Any Punch
Teleport: Down, Down-Forward, Forward, QP
Teleport Uppercut: Down, Down-Forward, Forward, MK or FK
Air Juggle: Down, Down-Forward, Forward, FK


Combo Breaker: Charge Back, Forward, QP
Release Move: Hold QP, Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Release QP
Ultra Combo: Charge Back, Forward, FP
Ultimate: Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, QP
Humiliation: Half Circle Forward, MK


No Mercy 1: Back, Back, Back, FK (Stand 1 Character distance away)
(Melts under you, then melts you into him)

No Mercy 2: Half Circle Back, MK (Stand 1 Character distance away)
(Turns liquid, then wraps around you absorbing you)

No Mercy 3: Half Circle Forward, MP (Stand 1 Character distance away)
(His arm turns into a spike, stabs you with it and freezes you)


Combo No 1: Charge Back, Forward, MP, Forward, MP, Back, MP, MP, Forward,
Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, Back, QP

Combo No 2: Charge Back, Forward, MP, Forward, MP, Back, Back-Down, Down,
Down-Forward, Forward, FK

_/ Spinal _/


Bone Shaker Charge: Forward, Forward, Any Punch
Fireball: Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Any Punch
Soul Sword: Charge Back, Forward, MP
Teleport: Down, Down, Down, Any Attack
Projectile Charge: Hold Back, QP
Slide: Down-Back, FK
Air Juggle: Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Any Punch


Combo Breaker: Forward, Forward, MP
Release Move: Hold QP, Jump, Down, Down, Down, Release QP or QK
Ultra Combo: Half Circle Forward, FP
Ultimate: Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, QP
Humiliation: Half Circle Forward, FK


No Mercy 1: Back, Back, Back, MK (Stand 1 Character distance away)
(Lightning shocks you from the sky)

No Mercy 2: Back, Back, Forward, QK (Stand 1 Character distance away)
(Stabs you with the spike in his sheild)


Combo No 1: Forward, Forward, FP, Forward, MP, Down, Down, Down, Any Attack

Combo No 2: Charge Back, Forward, MP, Forward, FP, Forward, MP, Charge
Forward, Back, MP, Forward, Forward, QP


ModdingBros Representative
_/ Orchid _/


Fireball: Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Any Punch
Tiger Charge: Charge Back, Forward, Any Punch
Charge: Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, QP, MP
Spinning Sword: Down, Forward, Down, Down-Back, FP
Back Flip Kick: Hold Back, FK
Spinning Kick: Charge Back, Forward, Any Kick
Front Flip: After being knocked down, Hold Back, FK
Air Juggle: Down, Down-Forward, Forward, QP


Combo Breaker: Charge Back, Forward, FK
Shadow Move 1: Hold FP, Charge Back, Forward, Release FP
Shadow Move 2: Hold MP, Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, Release MP
Ultra Combo: Charge Back, Forward, MP
Ultimate: Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, FP
Humiliation: Half Circle Back, FP


No Mercy 1: Down, Forward, Back, QK, Then tap FK (Stand Close)
(Turns you into a frog then stomps on you squishing you)

No Mercy 2: Back, Back, Forward, Forward, QP
(Stand 1 Character distance away)
(Opens her shirt and flashes other character)


Combo No 1: Charge Back, Forward, FK, Back, QP, Forward, FK, Back QP, For-
ward, FK, Back, QP, Forward, FK, Back, QP, Down-Forward, Down,
Down-Back, FP

Combo No 2: Charge Back, Forward, MP, Back, QK, Down-Forward, Down, Down-
Back, FP

_/ Chief Thunder _/


Spinning Axe: Charge Back, Forward, Any Punch
Uppercut: Quarter Circle Back, Any Punch
Tomahawk: Down, Down-Back, Back, FP
Phoenix Fireball: Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Any Kick
Knee: Charge Back, Forward, FK
Air Juggle: Down, Down-Forward, Forward, QK


Combo Breaker: Quarter Circle Back, QP
Shadow Move: Hold FP, Down, Down-Back, Back, Release FP
Ultra Combo: Charge Back, Forward, QP
Ultimate: Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, MP
Humiliation: Half Circle Back, FP


No Mercy 1: Half Circle Toward, FP (Stand 2 Character distance away)
(Lightning comes down from the sky)

No Mercy2: Half Circle Back, FK (Stand Close)
(Hits you hard with his Tomahawk, certain characters turn into something)


Combo No 1: Charge Back, Forward, FP, Forward, FK, Forward, Down-Forward,
Down, Down-Back, Back, FP

Combo No 2: Charge Back, Forward, FP, Back, FK, Charge Back, Forward, FP

_/ Fulgore _/


1 Fireball: Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Any Punch
2 Fireballs: Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward, QP
3 Fireballs: Forward, Back, Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward, QP
Uppercut: Forward, Down, Dow-Forward, Any Punch
Teleport: Back, Down, Down-Back, Any Attack
Fireball Reflector: Quarter Circle Back, Any Punch
Claw Charge: Charge Back, Forward, Any Kick
Eye Laser Shot: Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, FK
Air Juggle: Down, Down-Forward, Forward, QP


Combo Breaker: Forward, Down, Down-Forward, MP
Shadow Move: Hold FK, Charge Back, Forward, Release FK
Ultra Combo: Forward, Down, Down-Forward, QP
Ultimate: Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, MP
Humiliation: Half Circle Toward, MK


No Mercy 1: Half Circle Toward, FK (Stand 2 Character distance away)
(Takes off head and a machine gun comes out shooting you)

No Mercy 2: Down, Down-Back, Back, FP (Stand 2 Character distance away)
(Laser shoots out his eyes and beams you to death)


Combo No 1: Charge Back, Forward, FK, Forward, FK, Down-Forward, Down,
Down-Back, FK, Forward, QP, Forward, Down, Down-Forward, FP

Combo No 2: Charge Back, Forward, FK, Forward, MK, Forward, Down, Down-
Forward, FP

_/ Saberwulf _/


Flaming Bat: Down, Down-Back, Back, Any Punch
Spinning Claw: Charge Back, Forward, Any Punch
Claw Roll: Charge Back, Forward, QK
Uppercut: Charge Back, Forward, MK
Sabre Pounce: Charge Back, Forward, FK
Howl: Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, FK
Reverse Sabre Spin: Charge Forward, Back, MP
Air Juggle: Charge Back, Forward, FK


Combo Breaker: Charge Back, Forward, MK
Ultra Combo: Charge Forward, Back, QK
Ultimate: Half Circle Toward, FP
Humiliation: Forward, Forward, QP


No Mercy 1: Back, Back, Back, MK (Stand 1 Character distance away)
(Not to sure what it does, it to fast to tell)

No Mercy 2: Back, Back, Forward, MP (Stand 2 Character distance away)
(Smacks you into the screen)


Combo No 1: Charge Back, Forward, QP, Back, FP, Charge Back, Forward, MP,
Charge Back, Forward, FP

Combo No 2: Charege Back, Forward, MP, Back, MP, Charge Back, Forward, MP

_/ Riptor _/


Fireball: Down, Down-Back, Back, Any Punch
Head Butt: Charge Back, Forward, Any Punch
Flying Claw: Charge Back, Forward, Any Kick
Dragon Breath: Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, FP
Tail Flip Attack: Down-Foward, Down, Down-Back, Any Kick
Claw Uppercut: Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, QP
Reverse Jump Claw: Charge Forward, Back, MK or QK
Air Juggle: Down, Down-Back, Back, QP


Combo Breaker: Charge Back, Forward, FK
Ultra Combo: Charge Back, Forward, QK
Ultimate: Half Circle Toward, QP
Humiliation: Back, Back, Back, Back, FK


No Mercy 1: Back, Back, Back, MK (Stand 2 Character distance away)
(Spits acid and melts you)

No Mercy 2: Half Circle Forward, MP (Stand 2 Character distance away)
(The screen turn black then Riptor swallows you whole)


Combo No 1: Charge Back, Forward, QK, Forward, QP, Charge Forward, Back, QK,
Back, QP, Charge Back, Forward, FP

Combo No 2: Charge Back, Forward, FP, Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, FP,
Forward, FP

_/ Eyedol _/


Club Uppercut: Charge Back, Forward, FP
Fireball: Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Any Punch
3 Fireball: Back, Back, Quarter Circle Forward, FP
Stomp: Back, MP
Air Juggle: Back, Forward, QP


Combo Breaker: Back, Forward, Any Punch


Combo No 1: Back, Forward, QK, Back, QP, Forward, FP Back, Forward, QP

Combo No 2: Back, Forward, QP, Back, MK, Forward, QK, Back, Forward, FP,
Back, Forward, QP

These are all the moves. If someone made all of these I'm sure Viking would sell a butt load of berserkers! Time to branch out of fps and start making game packs for all genera's!


ModdingBros Representative
Its somewhat free. U can only play one character. It rotates characters every so often but would be nice if everyone could pick on character and nock all these moves out. Make a gamepack out of it.


Active Member
Jeez Brian, I hope that lot was a copy/paste, lol, besides, making runes for all of them would take a month, sorry, will most definitely pass on this one ....

modded matt

Active Member
LOL, most of the moves are the same for each character. The game is free to play with one random character. you can buy the $20 version to get all 8 fighters, or buy one at a time for $5 each.

I had a blast with this last night once I got the timing correct. I was going in circles (no pun) trying to get the power move timing down, then it hit me, my issue was with the timing of the punch/kick, not the joystick rotation. You need to hit Ajust before completing the rotation, not at the same time or immediately after. So after 7 runes I got the timing down which can be converted to other moves. LOL if you keep my one move on loop, you can win every match. I am going to work on a full Rune pack. The biggest problem is that most moves are directional based, so you have to set up left and right runes based on which side your fighting from.



ModdingBros Representative
Jeez Brian, I hope that lot was a copy/paste, lol, besides, making runes for all of them would take a month, sorry, will most definitely pass on this one ....
Yea copy paste lol. Found out that you can't post more than 10000 characters to with this ha haaaaa. I Dont blame you on not wanting to do this. Talk about a headache. Matt will probably do some damage to this.

Changing the subject (dont mean to thread hijack) When I get a berserker I feel like I'm going to dedicate my time to any games that Dont envolve FPS categories.

Viking needs more support in other areas and needs to expand beyond FPS titles.

There's a big market in MMOs, racing & fighting platforms and I feel viking needs to be hitting all these areas.

I know in my heart this will bring out more revenue for viking. If Odin decides to do ragnarok packs based off of berserker format then there will hopefully be a pletheria game packs to sell people who are more geared to certain platform games that Dont want to break their wallet for a all in one controller such as the berserker.

Hopefully I can get the spare money to afford a beserker soon. My California vacation cleaned me out!
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