Killstreak macro


Active Member
I have been thinking this, I like different killstreaks per map or for different classes. Its a good idea to make macros that pick your killstreak basically 1 tac does nuketown's killstreaks, one does others etc. Anyone else think so


New Member
its a good idea, but it would have to be coded for each person specifically.

I guarantee your nuketown killstreaks are different from mine, and every other viking user. The combinations are endless.

Also, you would have to remember what each tac switch changed your killstreaks to would be a pain. It might be easier to just do it manually. Up to you tho.


I don't change my kill steaks very often so I probably wouldn't use this. I usually keep napalm, blackbird, and attack dogs no matter what map/gametype I play.


Active Member
Ah alright just wondering.

Ever since the Splunge + Spy Plane / Napalm / Chopper, my k/d went to 1.7-2.0.

But on nuketown, spy plane isn't great. Neither is blackbird.
I like blackbird for maps like array. But not nuketown.