Knifing when u don't want too..



Anyone else have this issue where your playing and get into a heated moment and you knife when u don't want? I wanna say it's me but I have no problem on a normal controller but it happens alot when i'm using my Duo.. Any suggestions or ways to correct this?


New Member
StealthChipmunk said:
Anyone else have this issue where your playing and get into a heated moment and you knife when u don't want? I wanna say it's me but I have no problem on a normal controller but it happens alot when i'm using my Duo.. Any suggestions or ways to correct this?

Is it happening on it's own or are you actually hitting the Right Analog Button by mistake?

What Sticks do you have on your Duo -stock, black or PS3? Only thing that comes to mind is that Right Analog Button gets pressed-down with less than usual pressure. I haven't received my controller yet so I can't comment.


New Member
Try switching to the tactical button layout (changes knifing and crouch prone around), it really is unintentional pressure on the right stick


its happening when i'm using the right stick and they are stock sticks but it's not from to much pressure cuz all i'm doing is look left or right when it happens and shooting. and i can't use tactical cuz i just can't get used to it.


New Member
it does take a while to get used to tactical but just try it. u will get used to it in no time and its a lot better.


IrishStyle said:
Just a thought, try checking Allow Configuration next time you load a might help.

this might help lessen the problem?


I'm gonna try the Allow Configuration tomorrow night when i get to a PC. I have a mac so can't do it right away but it's definitely controller related. Started playing with the mod and it happen instantly when i turned tactical off cuz i just can't play with it been playing with default since COD4. Turned it off and used a regular controller and it didn't happen once in the hour and a half i used it.


It happens all the time for me, on PS3 or 360, modded or not. I think it's some sort of subconcious thing, usually I do it when they are actually close enough to knife. I just seem to knife without thinking about it. It's just a reaction.


New Member
I find this happens when I'm a lot more tired, in general. I usually sort of just place my hand on my controller instead of holding it up, so I'm pushing down more then moving around so I sometimes knife. :p


Intruudir said:'s you dude..... I do the same thing....pisses me off and then I get shot in the

yeah i switched to Tactical and have finally gotten used to it, unfortunately I suck at knifing now lol but at least i don't get killed becuz i knifed, now i just drop shot more lol.