Looking for completed BO2 Macros?


ModdingBros Representative
If you dont know by now u can find all completed BO2 macros in ModdingBros sticky thread! There are now 2 different media folders to choose from. U can

find my Media folder on Pg#1 of ModdingBros sticky thread and the title of the thread containing my media folder is called ModdingBros finalized macros for

BO2. There is a link in there to download my media file. Now the second media folder belongs to Apex Nugz. He was kind enough to share his macros with me

and allowed me to post them all in one media file. U can find his media file on pg#4 of the ModdingBros sticky thread. The title of the thread where u can find

his macro folder is called Apex Nugz BO2 macro file. In there u will find some of the fastest rapid fires for BO2 and there are multiple RFs for specific weapons.

There is also some bad *** tac RF akimbos. So check our stuff out If u want the best most reliable macros that are conveniently ready for u in one easy

download. Hope u all enjoy it and thanks for your support! Sincerely, WHITE 4ND N3RDY & Apex Nugz!
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If you dont know by now u can find all completed BO2 macros in ModdingBros sticky thread! There are now 2 different media folders to choose from. U can find my

Media folder on Pg#1 of ModdingBros sticky thread and the title of the thread containing my media folder is called ModdingBros finalized macros for BO2. There is a link in

there to download my media file. Now the second media folder belongs to Apex Nugz. He was kind enough to share his macros with me and allowed me to post them all in

one media file. U can find his media file on pg#4 of the ModdingBros sticky thread. The title of the thread where u can find his macro folder is called Apex Nugz BO2

macro file. In there u will find the fastest rapid fires for BO2 and there are multiple RFs for specific weapons. There is also 2 new jitter mods he made and some bad ***

tac RF akimbos. So check our stuff out If u want the best most reliable macros that are conveniently ready for u in one easy download. Hope u all enjoy it and thanks

for your support! Sincerely, WHITE 4ND N3RDY & Apex Nugz!
So who has the fastest RF, most stable, etc?


ModdingBros Representative
Apex Nugs and NY Jets have the fastest RFs for BO2. I made 2 pretty good ones but I feel like theirs are just a little better. The people who have the most

reliable fastest RF again are NY jets & Apex Nugz. Apex Nugz has a lot of RFs made for specific weapons in the game like the FAL, SMR, Chicom and S12

shotgun. He has a bunch RF akimbo that are made for specific weapons in BO2. U can Find Apex Nugz media folder in "ModdingBros sticky thread" on pg#4.

The tile of his thread is Apex Nugz BO2 macro file. In that thread u will find a blue underlined link and that will take u to his media file. I will honestly say Apex

and Jets have the fastest most stable RFs but i have RF dropshot+aim all in one tac or RT for the Fal & Smr and Im the only one to make these also I have

NY Jets uptaded RF in my media folder. Apex Has some really beast RFs for the FAL, SMR, Chicom and S12. Also he has RFs for the Five seven, Dual

executioner RF and Akimbo RFs for all other secondary weapons. U can Find all the best RFs In both of our folders and there is so much variety of RFs it just

comes down to what u want your RFs to do. If u r looking for specific weapon RFs that are fast and reliable or akimbo RFs then check out Apex Nugz media

file. If u are looking for dropshot+aim RFs check out my media folder. I Basically just want everyone to find the best mods for this game in one easy place so

u dont have to scavenger through the messy forums to find a macro u dont even know will work right. Its a time saver thing.
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ModdingBros Representative
Jitter Update!

Hello everyone there has been a jitter update. There has been a new jitter speed found by Apex Nugz. In his media folder u can find his BO11 Ill jitter. Its

wicked fast and u must try it out. I added a new Tac jitter called Mule Kick Jitter (XYYXYY) Ultrafast. I used the same speed as Apex Nugz Jitter, though I had

to tweak it to work on a tac button. I also added my signature double tap to it to conserve on ammo burn. This means one tap of a tac will fire off a double

shot or u can hold it down for full auto. I also re edited my other 3 tac jitters. They are different speeds now except the slow jitter speed. I used this as a

benchmark of the lowest speed i will go in my jitters. I then used Apex Nugs new speed as the fastest I will go with my jitter speeds. Then i re calibrated the

rest of my jitters equally between those two benchmark speeds for a more true accurate speed differential of the other jitters. I also extended the X,Y

sequences longer for a better quality jitter! U must check out these new jitters and update my old jitters for better jitter performance. Sincerely your friends,

Brian & Apex.
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