Looking for members here that can skillfully mod and play Lead and Gold PS3 or PC.


New Member
Yup it's me that guy with the viking360 on PS3. I been playing Lead and Gold on the PS3 using Gunslinger and made a macro for his special fast shooter move and it works but I need it more tweak out to make it more faster, how can I get the help?

To use his spacial move I have to hold LT and rapidly press RB the normal way to allow him to sling. When I macro record the actions, load, save, edit speed and assigned to B ( assigning to RB block all action to RB when trying to run the macro in game, some game block mechanic o_O) load it into game and run it, he sling much faster than normal set to 9.25 but the LT sling animation is also in affect making him jitters skate around as he sling, so I recorded his actions without the LT and just RB, set the speed to 9.25 and test ran it and it worked but it hiccups and sometimes don't shoot fast.


ModdingBros Leader
So I'm guessing your using an adapter for a macro controller on a ps3? I could do something like this onthe software it will be a shot in the dark as I have no way to test it but I can try my best.


New Member
Yup, I'm using cross battle adapter 2.2, you can down load lead and gold to the pc and use the viking to macro test run the gunslinger.


New Member
Forgot to tell you that you need Xpadder software for viking to work on the PC. Viking gets around all systems but WII for now lol.
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ModdingBros Leader
Sorry man I cant buy it nor do I have a way to hook it up to my computer but I can totally work on it with you.


New Member
OK I'll make a video of me in practice doing my special, explaining what buttons am using and showing the recorded macro being edited then post it on YouTube invite only. I will then upload the macro here for us to go over it and tweak it out, we have a lot of commutative options back to back, you won't be completely blind.


New Member
Hey MJ I have created a mod for my Blaster in Lead and Gold and it is sick, took me six hours of work, wish you can get the game on a PS3 and test it. Here is the info:

Name: DeadON
Description: you must have a PS3, a XCM wireless adapter to use this and the game Lead and Gold. This mod is an antirecoil for the Blaster only. When you play the Blaster with this, his second shotgun blast buckshot's will not cause the reticle to pan up scattering all your buckshot's given you a lesser chance to hit the target, this mod will allow all shots to hit dead center and also auto focus aiming for better accuracy, destroying competition.

I actually enhanced the shotgun and the only one with this rarity.
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ModdingBros Leader
I do have a PS3 just havent used it in forever plus I dont have a XCM wireless adapter to try mods out.


ModdingBros Leader
Haha I dont have the budget to get the adapter. I am not really old enough to hold a stable job anywhere so I dont have any extra cash floating around. But I would play PS3 more if I had the games for it its just everything I buy is for Xbox thus leading me to play xbox alot.