Macro Controller Thread


New Member
Wow. Great, so you guys here tell me I could get X. And Support tells met to get Y. Now the thread is gone, and I can't even read it again or tell them to look at it... I'm just gonna check to send it to you guys, and hopefully get it back repaired..
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yes, support helpdesk will take care of you :) There's no point in posting in both places, the support helpdesk staff don't read the forums it's just me. If the problem seems to be a hardware problem I re-direct you to the support helpdesk. (the staf works normal businses hours)

If the problem is software or help understanding the mods, I try to help out and point people in the right direction.


New Member
The thing is, somebody said "You can have a refund, minus the mail-in cost." Help desk doesn't say that.


ModdingBros Representative
The thing is, somebody said "You can have a refund, minus the mail-in cost." Help desk doesn't say that.
This sounds like a problem ive been seeing in the forums laitley. When it comes to hardware issues only a admin or a monerator can awnser these questions for u. People in the forums will try to help u out but can mislead information to u due to lack of knowledge. This only complicates the issue you are having between u and the administration. Bottom line when there is a hardware issue thread the only party to exchange information should be between u the coustomer with the issue and the staff be that a admin or monerator.

For Ex. If john doa post something in reguards to a hardware issues that says "u can get a refund minus the mail in cost" well his or her words should be taken as a grain of salt. If it dosent say moderator or administration under their name then there ramarks hold no bearning. I cant say if your statment is right or wrong ether. I dont know and its not my place to awnser these questions. I belive this was probabley a small part of many other reasons why your thread was shut down. These statements unless posted by viking staff will not only confuses or send the wrong information to u but anyone else who reads that thread. Now you will have a network of people who were missinformed. My best advice i can offer is to only listen to what administration tells u when it comes to hardware. Its not anyone elses place to be posting what they think are viking polices. It only confuses the matter to the issues the adminstration is trying to share between u and them.
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New Member
The problem is, I can't say it for sure anymore, as somebody deleted my thread. I was pretty sure it was somebody with a purple name, maybe even odin.
Send Odin a PM, I believe he was saying it would cost you the same wether it was mailed In for repairs, or mailed in for a return.