macro LEDs


my viking LEDs are kinda not correct. like all the player 1 lights are fine its just most of the 3rd and 4th player LEDs has eather a darker color or lighter shade of the player one LED. sence i ran out of my warrenty would it be hard to fix this myself? its not a big deal the controller works great its just the LEDs


ModdingBros Leader
The LEDs will dim as the controller batteries die. That is normal and cant be fixed, I am pretty sure its just because the motherboard power isnt great enough to support the different colored LEDs.


The LEDs will dim as the controller batteries die. That is normal and cant be fixed, I am pretty sure its just because the motherboard power isnt great enough to support the different colored LEDs.
its not that like the player one LED will be purple and player 3 will be blue


Well-Known Member
Staff member
The rainbow LED's in the macro controller are on a flexible circuit board that we install in place of the stock LED's. If the flexible board moves out-of-place over time, the coloring could do what you are showing in the pic. (I think. The other possibility is the red LED is burned out. But if that was the case I think you'd know it, if you played back any macro with red on the LED3 and it works, then you know the red LED is still working). The flex board just needs to be scooted back into place and secured with a piece of electrical tape.

It's a bit of a balancing act using two hands to open the controller and adjust the LED board without the guts falling out, but I think you can do it so long as you are careful when you open the controller that none of the wires from modchip to tac switch get tugged off. The other fun part is carefully looking inside the controller as you close it back up to make sure none of the ratsnest of wires are getting pinched anywhere as the shell closes up.


okay since i dont have the tool open the controller is there any other tool i can use with out breaking the pins? (is it possible to have a picture of what i am supose to be moving)
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ModdingBros Leader
Safely no there is not a tool like that may have to invest in a screwdriver of that sort. I believe it is a T8 security torx screw driver.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I spent weeks looking for one of these locally, I don't think anyone on the planet sells them locally, unless maybe you are in a big city and there is an XBOX repair shop down the street or something like that.

Maybe just put a ticket in with support and ask them if they can re-adjust the LED board at the shop.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
FYI It's a holiday weekend. I don't know many businesses that are open on Sundays or holidays :)


they replayed do i need to tell them my order number or somthing like that or can i just tell them my warrenty is out?


ModdingBros Leader
Tell them that your warranty is out but all you need is a LED movement and see what they say. Link them to this forum too.
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