Macro on it's way out


New Member
I bought this controller a while back, when I received it it was in top working order. It worked fantastically, it really was the most powerful controller in the world. After a few weeks, the LED's started to play up, colours weren't showing, I thought it was just because of the batteries, but after a while i noticed that even brand new batteries still caused only three of the LED's to work. Eventually, the macros stopped working, as the LED's just turned off entirely, even when brand new batteries were used or even if the controller was plugged in.

I've never once dropped this controller; eventually over time the LED's came back, three of them, but they just started to fade again. I sent off my controller to Viking to get it fixed, and when I received it back, it worked for literally 5 minutes, before breaking in the exact same way it did when i sent it; only two of the LED's ever work.

Now, I can't even get it to plug into my computer with a battery pack in it; the only way I can put it into editing mode is if I hold the start button while putting the pack in, but now it will not even get recognised by any of the four computers around the house with all the updated drivers. I am sometimes able to connect the controller if I only use the cable and no battery pack, but this happens maybe once every one hundred times, and i'm not even exaggerating.

Now, when I am actually able to connect my controller and try to read the macros I have recorded using the record function of the controller, I notice a problem; both LT and RT are constantly held down for the duration of the recording, even though i never pressed them; the analogue stick is only held in diagonal throughout the recording, no matter what i do, even if I just record nothing. The game does not display any sign of me doing what the recording is saying I am doing.

I've already been told by support that apparently there is nothing more they can do, so I am stuck for answers here. I live in the UK so according to support they've already made a loss on me as a customer through shipping it back to me, so I think shipping it again is out of the question....


ModdingBros Representative
Dont know what else to tell ya but to try to fix it yourself. Check for bad solder connections and most important where the macro chip fits on the main controller board cpu make sure its on all the way and its on square. When popping it off make sure u pop it off strait up and down. Dont pry it off by pulling up on one corner. Its very important it comes strait up and off. Most the times the main problem is that the chip is slightly off centered. The pins on the main cpu are soooo tiny and its sooo easy to get two off these pins touching together causing the macro to act funny. The whole led talk makes me a little weary to what the real problem may be. U will just have to trace the wires and make sure its a clean install like no loose wires or pich points on the wires. This is the best info that I could give u.