Macro Sets?


So as of now, what are the best macros of its kind for Black Ops 2 in your opinion? :confused:
Ex. best rapidfire macros, jitter, etc.

I understand that some macros will work better with certain guns and other circumstances, so feel free to include that information too.

I'm getting my controller back soon, and I'm just looking to see what I should try out. Of course I will also look in other threads, but if you have any favorites that you think I should definitely check out, then share it here!
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ModdingBros Representative

Hey ooREDXoo Here is my media file with all macros i have made for BO2. I have already made fast reloads for every weapons in BO2 {except secondaries.} I have 70+

macros all finalized and in perfect working order. Also I have total of 6 different jitters split in 2 different sets. 1 set is for right trigger jitter and there is a slow medium

and fast jitter. The 2nd set is tac operated jitters with slow, medium and fast jitters. Both RT jitters and tac jitters are mule kick jitters which means if u have dual

pistols and hold LT with it u will get akimbo jitter. My tac jitters also have what i call double tap where if u tap the tac button it will automatically fire 2 jitter shots. I

did this to conserve ammo or u can just hold it down for full auto jitter. The only other person to make a jitter mode for BO2 is Apex Nugz and he has a pretty good tac

jitter meduim speed. I made it real simple to get any macro u need. I have them all in one file and they are all finalized and work perfect so u dont have to look

everywhere in the forums to find a macro u dont know will even work right or not. I also made all my macro sets compatible for any play style being if you are a default

tactical player and even built macros that work around what perks in the game u use. My files covers every mod and play style u can think of. The only thing i dont

have and i will update soon is akimbo RF. Check it out and save yourself from a major headache.
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ModdingBros Representative
Hey noonoo390 I like your macros u have been sharing but if u don't mind id like to give you some advise about your macros. When your done making your macros u should

fill out the description box and briefly explain how the macro operates like were the macros can assigned or if its made for certain weapons. Also u should put your name on

then so people know who made the macros! I like what you are doing and this would help a lot of people out by better understanding how it works.