Just received my USB ragnorak and fully charged and programed to default settings exactly how tutorial says to. When I go to use in game: first problem starts with all mode off using as normal controller an r1 doesn't work it will not fire weapon, if I tap phantom button my gun will fire. If I hold L1 and tap phantom weapon will fire, but aim down sight disengages and it fires from hip. If I switch to secondary weapon an put the controller on the floor not hitting any buttons it will continue to fire until after all ammo is gone as if r1 were continuing to be pressed, this is with the controller not even in my hand. Now with rapid fire on after spawning my L stick will not work until r1 is hit and after I am able to move my character when I hit L3 my character will not sprint, no reaction to button pressed. Need help fast! I assume it is a major issue involving a return of controller, but need help. Extremely bummed