Make this!


Please make this somebody.. it's a good idea.

ok so its a cooked grenade and it explodes straight in your face with the press of a tac switch..

The idea behind this is when you are getting shot up CLOSE you can press the tac and it will drop a live cooked grenade.. BOOM!! there dead..

kind of like martybomb in mw2

I have know idea how to edit so me making anything is out..

I presume you record it, speed it up, tweak it a lil more and there you go.. one martybomb tac macro coming up.. :)

lets see how it go's :):)


ModdingBros Leader
It wouldnt be too hard however if your getting shot close enough then I dont think you will be able to cook that grenade before your dead. Just listen to the grenade it clicks so record you cooking a grenade and on the third click stop the recording or throw it down.

Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
It would still take the full 5 seconds to blow up. It is a very good idea though name it the "Self Destruct Macro" =P
You could use it whenever you are about to die or if you have no ammo and you want to go suicide bomber on the other team.


Active Member
I see the theory, but it is impossible to explode a grenade with a tac . The grenade has a set timer of 5 seconds after cooked to blow. The tac button can't blow up the grenade. That would be awesome though.


hmm.. Thought there might be some trouble.. if you record it and speed it up. and put all that smartness into a tac, once you press the tac shouldn't you be tricking the game.. it already thinks that you have held it in for four seconds so it should work shouldn't it.. ??

I have a good feeling about this one.. i know its just a macro controller.. but surely its capable of more than we know.. i think if we played around with it and got everyone involved this could really work.. it has too.. soooo many people would die :) :) hehe


Active Member
I wish it could work like that but remember - the macro controller isn't god lol. It can't "trick the game" into thinking you held the grenade for four seconds.


ModdingBros Leader
Ya sorry cant trick the game would be nice but then it would be system tampering and then you would get hit with a ban.