Making Anti-Recoil Macros


New Member
I've never made a macro before. I've watched the videos, but still don't really get it.

I stumbled upon a thread on another forum (I'm not sure if I can post the link, so I won't for now, but it was from 7s) that showed a few videos of no recoil guns. I've had my Viking for at least 3 years now, and never knew this was possible. So now I'm really interested in doing it. Nobody in that thread mentioned using a Viking (or programmable controller for that matter), just a pre-modded controller.

Here's the quote from that thread:

Yea I know, Rapid Fire Controller
Mine shoots 10 times faster on the g3 and doesn't stop :O

Oh and it works on the RASS TOO..
SPS: 35.7

Ump Silence + Rapid
SPS: 40

Scar-h: 40 SPS

CM901: 42 SPS

theres one more, but I forgot, and the draganave is my little secrete

So is it really as simple as just making a macro that you would normally make for like, the MK14? I'm relatively new to this, so sorry lol.

Here are the videos



ModdingBros Leader
Did you see my tutorials? You may have seen some other ones regardless I can help you man. Just add me on xbox and then I will get on eventually and help you out through teamviewer.


New Member
Did you see my tutorials? You may have seen some other ones regardless I can help you man. Just add me on xbox and then I will get on eventually and help you out through teamviewer.

Where can I find your tutorials? Do you have Skype? Or something? Otherwise I'll just add on XBL. My GT is "Anfield v2".


New Member
How can I tell what the SPS of a macro is that I am making? Does MW3 mod lock? I all of a sudden can't get anything to work.
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