

New Member
Hi guys, just got my controller which I ordered from best buy online. When it finally arrived, i opened it and its a fu*cking cg2. Is there anyway to get a matrix 2. I have a ragnarock chip sitting on my desk just waiting to get installed, however its only supported by one controller type. I'm really peeved right now, is there any other solution.



Useful Poster
Really no need to make two threads. Can a mod please merge this with the other one.

And brad, theres not really any sure way to know what controller pcb your gonna get untill you can see the circuit board from the battery pack, or completely take apart the controller. To the general public, they cant tell a different from cg, matrix, matrix2, cg2 controller boards, so microsoft does not market them differently, and there is no way to externally tell from the package.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Do you have any buddys that you can raid their console stash area and check all the controllers? Plain black controllers purchased March through about November of 2011 high chance of being matrix2.


New Member
OK I bought another pad today from my local kmart here in australia, and it too was a cg2, didn't open it up this time. However with the three controllers I now have bought, the one under lying thing they have in common is the lot number and manufacture date sticker on the box. The were man. 0811 so just a heads up for anyone trying to get one, steer clear of that batch as most likely all cg2 pads.