max payne 3 gameplay


max payne 3 is so sick i cant wait to use my modded viking controller with this .may is a busy month with max payne one week and the next ghost recon oh boy i might have to tale off from work lol.


xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
This game is going to be filthy. I could only get one or the other this month because I am buying a new car soon, and I'm getting Max Payne 3. It's going to be so much better than Ghost Recon. The controllers will work really well with the game I think, especially when dual wielding pistols and such. Can't wait :)


New Member
hehe me neither i got my conroller 2 daays ago already getting the hang of the software made my own autodelete items from stuf that i dont want on xbox that wil be autodelete im going to make alot of macros to soon when i understand it better but i need to know how to upload it to the website


ModdingBros Leader
hehe me neither i got my conroller 2 daays ago already getting the hang of the software made my own autodelete items from stuf that i dont want on xbox that wil be autodelete im going to make alot of macros to soon when i understand it better but i need to know how to upload it to the website

I responded to your PM on how to do it. That game reminds me of how Red Deads multiplayer was just not in a western setting. Not my style of game however many people love games made by Rockstar.

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
I love Red Dead Redemption. I still have it and play it every once in a while. I eventually have to go back and do sooooooooooo much to finish it up. Lots of multiplayer achievements too. No doubt that the online in max payne 3 will be absoulutely amazing and tons of fun. Definitely better than Ghost Recon Future Soldier. That game gets so annoying, I got back on MW3 which I haven't played in over a month after playing the beta again. That's sad...


ModdingBros Leader
I agree I get so frustrated on MW3 its ridiculous. There are just so many faults in COD because they want to make it more "noob friendly" which made the game terrible. They need to go back to the basics and bring stopping power back. Would fix a number of issues. Also death streaks have to go.

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
No I was saying how Ghost recon is annoying, so annoying that it made me get back on mw3 cuz i had nothing else to play, and mw3 is worse.


ModdingBros Leader
Yeah and I was just agreeing with you by giving reasons why MW3 isnt that good of a game.


No I was saying how Ghost recon is annoying, so annoying that it made me get back on mw3 cuz i had nothing else to play, and mw3 is worse.
lol i was at gamestop and the guy ask me if i wanted to buy cod elite for 50 $ i look at him like he was stupid lol i said hell no you guys aint robbing my money, what do i look like a cod fan boy ,it was good at first but now its collecting dust lol.

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
Yeah and I was just agreeing with you by giving reasons why MW3 isnt that good of a game.

Ahhh gotcha, my bad bro lol. I actually had a few fun games in MW3. I was running around on dome with an msr with an acog scope and a p99 with a tac knife with rapidfire on my ragnarok and was getting really funny kills. The next game I got mad and got off cuz I would just die in the dumbest ways. Each game is a hit or miss and I just feel like they started adding way too much to CoD. The best one was either CoD4 or MW2 for sure. Never was a fan of black ops, and I don't see the second one doing it for me, but i'll still be buying it since it's gonna be one of the only games people will be playing for a while, besides Halo 4.

I love the way Max Payne 3 is lookin and I can't wait to pick it up in a little over a week. RDR and GTA IV's multiplayer were both awesome so this should be even better. All Ghost Recon is, is a third person CoD w/ near future equipment. That's what I got out of it, and I definitely don't wanna waste my money on that.

I think the games to get this year that will be different/good are Max Payne 3, Borderlands 2, Halo 4, 007 Legends, Resident Evil 6, and Assassin's Creed 3.
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ModdingBros Leader
I totally agree with you, I absolutely loved COD4 I was a 10th prestige on ps3 and got to like a 7th on xbox. If it wasnt all modded out I would still enjoy it. I like to jack around in MW3 too thats the only way it becomes fun to me. I dont think I would of like ghost recon then seems not that good of a game. The only third person shooter I like is Gears. I cant wait for Borderlands 2, the first one was by far my favorite game ever. I played the crap out of that game.

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
I enjoy Gears as well, I just don't play it often for some reason. It's a hard game to play IMO, but def fun. The only other 3rd person shooter I own that I play multiplayer in is the new Resident Evil ORC (besides RDR) but I think Resident Evil 6 will beat it. Yeah, Borderlands 2 looks awesome. I only beat the first one once sadly, I borrowed it from a friend. The second should def be tons of fun. I'd still play CoD4 as well if it wasn't modded like crazy and if more people played it. Lots of the time there's absolutely nobody on it so you can't even get a game, let alone a modded one.


ModdingBros Leader
Yeah it is a very hard game. I sometimes do really good and get pretty excited however majority of the time I dont do that well so its kind of a bummer. I played that a few times but wasnt the biggest fan of the game. The other Resident Evils are way better IMO. Thats a real bummer though defintely a game that has a lot of replay value to it. Anyone reading this wanting a cheap game go pick up Borderlands. Thats true too and all of the mods drove away the fan base that played COD4.

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
Yeah, you can put a scope on it and snipe with it, or use it in close to medium range engagements. I think it might have a low firing rate cap though but we'll see when it comes out in less than a week. I have it preordered at my local gamestop. Either way it's gonna be sick. Like I said before, there's plenty of pistols too and dual wields so you can destroy if you use the controller in this game.


so why dont you play it, then i heard you can create a crew and make emblems like in black ops and they can carry over to gta 5 im going to try and make a viking emblem ,dnt know if you guys are getting the game but it would be cool to have a viking crew in max payne 3 with duel wield pistles and stuff lol i bet we would own other crews



ModdingBros Leader
Imm sure we would here a lot of complaints but that makes it that much better haha. I might check it out whens it release?

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
I recently joined the IGN crew just for the hell of it but for whoever else is buying the game, I'm down to make a viking crew if you want. The Max Payne franchise is awesome. The story is amazing, and I actually liked the movie they made based off the game's story starring Mark Wahlberg. The original games, both max payne and max payne 2: the fall of max payne were amazing games. They were some of the prime games for the older systems they were made for (original xbox, ps2).

Max Payne 3 comes out this Tuesday, May 15th (5/15/12) and I have it reserved at gamestop for the preorder bonuses.


look at this haha max payne in mlg
