Medal of honor disc required to play Battlefield 3 beta early!

In a recent tweet from Battlefield, it has been revealed that you will indeed need the Medal of Honor disc if you wish to gain early access to the Battlefield 3 beta.The conversation reads as follows:CodyReed:mad:Battlefield, I bought MOH: LE for the 360. How exactly will I access the Battlefield 3 Beta early? Will I need the MOH disc?Battlefield:mad:CodyReed, Yes you will need the disc, you will have to play it off of there ^CTOn a good note, they have yet to announce the beta start date and by the looks of it, you have yourself at least a week or perhaps two to re-purchase Medal of Honor before time is up. The manufacturer’s suggested current price of MoH is $19.99USD.

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Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
In a recent tweet from Battlefield, it has been revealed that you will indeed need the Medal of Honor disc if you wish to gain early access to the Battlefield 3 beta.The conversation reads as follows:CodyReed:mad:Battlefield, I bought MOH: LE for the 360. How exactly will I access the Battlefield 3 Beta early? Will I need the MOH disc?Battlefield:mad:CodyReed, Yes you will need the disc, you will have to play it off of there ^CTOn a good note, they have yet to announce the beta start date and by the looks of it, you have yourself at least a week or perhaps two to re-purchase Medal of Honor before time is up. The manufacturer’s suggested current price of MoH is $19.99USD.

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Hate to burst your bubble but it also has to be the limited edition version which you got from pre ordering or getting it the first week of release.


Active Member
good rebuttle Jax !!! It shows that the many minds and knowledge within this forum is as good as it gets,thanks for the heads up!

Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
good rebuttle Jax !!! It shows that the many minds and knowledge within this forum is as good as it gets,thanks for the heads up!
Just thought I would throw it out there so that nobody would go out half ****ed and get MoH then find out you needed the limited edition to get it (Limited Edition is only for pre order and about a week after release). Go on ebay to get the limited edition, that is the best advice I can give you.