hello, sorry for the hijacking....thought we were on subject. How would one go about disableing the RS push to stop knifing?
Not sure if this was removed, but as I last tried it it was working.
Based on your controller's firmware and the software you are using - this may or may not work.
Assign the macro below to your RS. When you press it, it will COMPLETELY DISABLE THE RS FROM THAT PAGE.
For example - you cannot have a turbo knife on a page where you disabled the RS.
If you disable the RS, you literally cannot knife when your on that page.
Page 1 - RS has the disable macro. You'll press it - it'll knife once. After that, you cannot knife again until you switch pages. So my suggestion is - have a 2 page macro set on your controller. Put the exact same macros on both pages, but with page one use the RS disabler. Then if you see an enemy, switch pages, knife the enemy, switch pages and then press RS again so that it disables.
The best use for this macro, is for people who NEVER WANT TO KNIFE.